Domain Einhängepunkt nachträglich ändern

  • Wenn möglich erstell bitte einen feature request in unserem ticketing system.

  • Ich habe bereits eine solche Anfrage gestellt, da bspw. auch Symfony die (kurzgefasst) in der standardausführung folgende Struktur hat
    - app (private)
    - src (private)
    - vendor (private)
    - ...
    - web (public)

    Ja man kann 00_private nutzen aber danach ist es NUR NOCH mit i-mscp nutzbar, was mich persönlich stört.

    PS: Diese wurde abgelehnt mit der Begründung "es gibt 00_private"

  • @Levitas

    We cannot cover all use cases. There is plenty of frameworks, each using a different default skeleton. The 00_private directory, which allows storage of resources outside of the DocumentRoot, should be enough for any developer that is able to setup his framework correctly.

    The feature that will give to the customers the possibility to choose which folder must be used as DocumentRoot will be implemented in the 1.4.x Serie. However, be aware that for safety reasons, the new DocumentRoot will have to live under the actual DocumentRoot which is the htdocs directory. This should at least cover your use cases. For instance

    1. /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/htdocs/app (private)
    2. /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/htdocs/src (private)
    3. /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/htdocs/vendor (private)
    4. /var/www/virtual/<domain.tld>/htdocs/web (new DocumentRoot which is public)


  • @Levitas

    I'll add that feature in next release specially for you. Something like:



  • @Levitas

    I'll add that feature in next release specially for you. Something like:


    only if its not more than 5 minutes work.
    i change my symfony applications currently to work on the root folder. Its not the best, but a web provider like nitrado or sth like that doesnt support it as well.
    so dont make any circumstances :3

  • @Levitas

    Too late, the feature is almost ready. I'm in testing period now.


  • @Nuxwin Peter and pinky wanted more the functionality using any alias domain folder for DocumentRoot for every alias/sub-domain. Is it also implemented into your changes? :)

  • @Ninos

    Will be available for any domain (dmn, sub, als, alssub).


  • @Nuxwin

    great! That was a fast solution :D
    This absolutely meets the point.

    My thoughts were the other way round:

    1. /var/www/virtual/<customer>/htdocs/app (private)
    2. /var/www/virtual/<customer>/htdocs/src (private)
    3. /var/www/virtual/<customer>/htdocs/vendor (private)
    4. /var/www/virtual/<customer>/htdocs/web (new DocumentRoot which is public)

    For Customer beeing a name or even an id (vu-numbers?)
    This goes along with the idea, that every "customer" can have as much domains (and subdomains, ...) as he wants, and is able to point them to a directory he likes best to do the job. (Within a designated docroot - for example: htdocs/mysupercoolWebsite1 <- Domain1, Domain2 htdocs/mylazyTestWebsite <- sub.Domain1, Domain3, ...)

    Best regards,

  • The current structure is, that every customer has one domain.
    If your "real customer" has more than one domain, he has 2 logins.
    Each domain is its own login.

    (See infos for whmcs. WHMCS has one user with more domains, the plugin for imscp manages this, if i remember right [fuck german xD])

    I dont think that it is planned because it would make many changes to database and frontend, probably planned for 2.0 @Nuxwin ?

    With the upcoming update you are able to make in manual to have one customer with x domains