V-Box testing environment - i-MSCP 1.1.1 migration to i-MSCP 1.3.1
i-MSCP 1.1.1
Build: 20140216
so far I had about 40 IMSCP server migrations, maybe I'm getting too old ...
but it does not work anymore
- new debian 8.5 Installation
- installed latest IMSCP 1.3.1
- imported complete MSQL dump
- using original imscp.conf w/ new IP address from source server
- edited tables, server_ips, plugins, config
- original debian.cnf (from target installation) is in use without changing the password part
IMSCP setup stucks at step 7 of 8 for about 1 hour ..
Running Servers::sqld::mariadb preinstall tasks
so there is no cancel button and I have to reboot the system, but I guess the TMP tables problem strikes back again after that
has anyone successfully tested a migration from 1.1.x
and is there a working migration guide?
it seems to be a problem with mysql root user .. I can not use the password from debian.cnf (basic installation before migration) because it is different after importing mySQL dump and on the other hand if I use mysql root password from mysql Dump in debian.cnf it is not accepted.