migration fails!

  • V-Box testing environment - i-MSCP 1.1.1 migration to i-MSCP 1.3.1
    i-MSCP 1.1.1
    Build: 20140216

    so far I had about 40 IMSCP server migrations, maybe I'm getting too old ...
    but it does not work anymore
    - new debian 8.5 Installation
    - installed latest IMSCP 1.3.1
    - imported complete MSQL dump
    - using original imscp.conf w/ new IP address from source server
    - edited tables, server_ips, plugins, config
    - original debian.cnf (from target installation) is in use without changing the password part

    IMSCP setup stucks at step 7 of 8 for about 1 hour ..
    Running Servers::sqld::mariadb preinstall tasks
    so there is no cancel button and I have to reboot the system, but I guess the TMP tables problem strikes back again after that

    has anyone successfully tested a migration from 1.1.x
    and is there a working migration guide?

    it seems to be a problem with mysql root user .. I can not use the password from debian.cnf (basic installation before migration) because it is different after importing mySQL dump and on the other hand if I use mysql root password from mysql Dump in debian.cnf it is not accepted.


    Edited 4 times, last by fulltilt ().

  • IMSCP setup stucks at step 7 of 8 for about 1 hour ..

    This is expected. Read the errata file.


    This can be many hours on small system, according traffic data records you have.

    so there is no cancel button and I have to reboot the system, but I guess the TMP tables problem strikes back again after that

    Expected too if you kill the process without more thinking, the TMP tables will stay here (not removed) and on next run, you'll get an error...

    Easy solution if you do not want wait: Truncate the domain_traffic table.


  • thanks Nuxwin,
    I guess I have to start over again ;-)

    probably happens when setup unfinished

    1. [ERROR] main::setupUpdateDatabase: [ERROR] Database update 237 failed: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'domain_traffic_tmp2' already exists

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • thanks for your patience :D
    Everything went well ... Nice work!

    for the real migration (production server) I have to use the --fix-permissions parameter - is that correct?

    1. perl imscp-autoinstall -d --fix-permissions
  • Yes ;)
