clamav error log

  • i have this log entrys many times:

  • We will investigate. That is a know issue.

    @mrpink Once again: Please disable them ;)


  • Not my plugin so I'll take care when I'll have time. Anyway, you can ignore those messages ATM. Google a bit to know why ;)


  • Not my plugin so I'll take care when I'll have time. Anyway, you can ignore those messages ATM. Google a bit to know why ;)

    thank you, i did some google. Seems that rules are loaded only some rules are not used... here is a good explain:


    antidebug_antivm.yar contains 12 rules which uses the pe module (pe.imports), so only these 12 rules will be skipped/ignored, the rest of the rules will be loaded (113 loaded rules)

    malicious_document.yar contains 5 rules which uses uint32be, so only these 5 rules will be skipped/ignored, the rest of the rules will be loaded (15 loaded rules)


    So a new Clamav need to fix the problem and support the skipped rules.