Dear community,
We lose many time on our forums because many users don't follow our reporting rules when they encounter a problem. As reminder, the following rules apply:
- You must ensure that the problem has not been already reported on our issue tracker
- You must ensure that the problem is not already fixed in latest released version or development branch of latest i-MSCP Serie (meaning that if you use an old i-MSCP version, you must first try to upgrade to latest stable version)
- You must be sure that you system is up-to-date
- You must create your own thread to avoid to pollute other discussions and don't interfer in other discussion when that is not necessary or even worse, when that would just to arguing against an answer that you previously received in your own thread
- You must create exactly one thread per problem
- You must post in the correct section on our forums, in the expected language
- You must give us the following informations:
- Your Distribution and its codename
- The i-MSCP version in use
- The i-MSCP server implementation in use for the concerned service (for instance: ITK, Fcgid, PHP-FPM, Proftpd, Vsftpd ...)
- The PHP version in use if your problem belongs to PHP
- The browser in use if your problem belongs to control panel interface
- The plugin name and its version if your problem belongs to a plugin
- A understandable description of the problem
- The service logs (generally located under /var/log) if any
- The exact steps to reproduce the problem
- The full output of the perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr -v command if the problem relate to status that is in hanging state
- If an exception is throw by the control panel, you need report us the exact exception message. For that, you need first enable the debug mode in the /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file
If you don't follow these rules, we will simply remove or close your thread (or post) without any warn and if you persist, we will give you a ban for 1 month (even if you're a customer).
Thank you.
BTW: Any post containing questions which were already answered by our team in the past 15 days, or that are just made to get our attention on an unanswered question will be also deleted without further explanations.