Enima problem on 1.3.0 Menu: Configuration (webmail) PGP Keys

  • Hi,

    I update 1.2.7 to 1.3.0 Debian 7 amd64. All good.

    I enable plugin Enigma (RoundCube 1.2) But, the problem in Configuration (webmail) PGP Keys:

    Application Error (600): Enigma plugin: GPG binary not found. If you are sure the GPG binary is installed, please specify the location of the GPG binary using the 'binary' driver option.

    And I edit /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/plugins/enigma/lib/enigma_driver_gnupg.php

    Enable: 'binary' => '/usr/bin/gpg', Line 76 and 264

    I have /usr/bin/gpg

    But the problem persisting

    Attachments error.

  • Hello,

    I'll check that. The binary is maybe not available due to open_basedir restriction for the i-MSCP frontend (including pma, roundcube and so on). You could try to add the /usr/bin/gpg path to the open_basedir parameter.

    Edit the /var/www/fcgi/master/php5/php.ini and add the /usr/bin/gpg path to the open_basedir parameter. Once done, restart the imscp_panel service and retry.


  • Application Error (600): Enigma plugin: GPG binary not found. If you are sure the GPG binary is installed, please specify the location of the GPG binary using the 'binary' driver option.

    Hi. jpertuz Can you describe exactly how to solve this problem?
    Because I can't implement what nuxwin gave me.
    Could you copy what needs to be changed and where it is found that needs to be changed.
    Thanks in advance.

    Dankó István