Lets Encrypt, how to solve error 504

  • Hello,
    sorry for possible double-posting, for whatever reason I'm not able to reply to the inicial support topic as I'm not seing an appropriate button. Please feel free to merge.
    I've successfully installed the Let's Encrypt plugin and was able to activate one .de domain. A second domain, this time an .info, gave me the following error:

    1. ClientError: <Response [504]>

    After a little research I found out that the error seems to be a temporary problem with the Let's Encrypt infrastructure. But how can I retry to optain a certificate? The plugin don't give me any choice, it just prints out this error message and I'm not able to abort or retry the action. Do I just have to wait for an automated retry?

  • As admin switch to /admin/imscp_debugger.php, change status and on bottom send a new request :)

  • As admin switch to /admin/imscp_debugger.php, change status and on bottom send a new request :)

    Hi, i tried Let's Encrypt with a IDN domain, not working yet, and i found /admin/imscp_debugger.php myself :D
    But i can't get Let's Encrypt resetted.

    What can i do?



  • @GeorgBNM atm nothing, because Let's Encrypt does not support idn domains. IDN support is planned for August 30, 2016:

    My plugin already supports idn domains. So after releasing of this feature my plugin should be able to request certificates for idn domains, too :)

  • @Ninos Yes, i read this before. ;)
    What I meant: How can I roll back and use an other "normal" certificate till then?

    I can't break the loop of your plugin! I can't stop it! :) Even with the debug page...

    Thank you


  • Ok

    • Switch to imscp database
    • Switch to letsencrypt column
    • Remove relevant row
  • @Ninos

    We could cover such a case by adding a button on the client interface allowing him to cancel the process on error (eg, if issuance process is canceled by the customer, data would be simply removed from the database).

    What do you think about this idea?
