Multiple ip's

  • I have Multiple ip's on my dedicated i been trying to add them to the control panel but have not been able to and was wondering if the problem might be that all ip's are set on eth1 like eth1 eth1:2 eth1:3 etc would this be the problem ?


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • could you explain how to add ip's i guess i miss understood what was said to add them I should have also said in 1st post my service does not use eth0 all my ip's are on eth1 including primary ip


  • could you explain how to add ip's i guess i miss understood what was said to add them I should have also said in 1st post my service does not use eth0 all my ip's are on eth1 including primary ip


    If you have teamviewer, I can help you (show you). Come on IRC.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • I under stand they go in ip management can you give example of how to set them up in ip management from what i was told you can set anything for domain and alias because i-mscp will create from what i understood a link to eth0 but my service does not use eth0 all ip's are set on eth1 eth1:2 eth1:3 etc when putting something in for domain and alias then setting it on eth1 from drop down nothing is accessible and when trying to remove the IP that was just added you cant
    Problem Resolved

    Thanks everyone for your help

    Edited once, last by DZII ().