Message: Incomplete authorizations (follow-up)

  • Ooops, it happened again.
    I got expiration notice mails from Letsencrypt for two domains.
    I inspected it showing same message "Incomplete authorizations"!

    It stayed for several days, so i suspect i-mscp plugin is not handling further LE updates!
    After I pressed the Button "Status von diesem Posten für einen neuen Versuch ändern" the message switched to OK.
    In the moment, everything is clean. Stay tuned...


    i-MSCP 1.5.1 + patches - debian stretch (latest) - DebugBar 1.1.2 - LetsEncrypt 3.5.0 - Mailman 2.0.4 - RoundcubePlugins 2.0.1

  • Hi Heppi

    I have the same problem here.

    But as you can see i have two different Status. Under "Domain" all Status are ok. (Pic-1) After i change to "CSS-Zertifikat vewalten" i get the message "A task fo rSSL Certificate is in progress (Pic-2).

    Wher do you have this Buton: "Status von diesem Posten für einen neuen Versuch ändern" ?


    • Pic-2.png

      (77.3 kB, downloaded 18 times, last: )
    • Pic-1.png

      (38.7 kB, downloaded 12 times, last: )

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 - Debian 9 Stretch

  • DebugBar!

    i-MSCP 1.5.1 + patches - debian stretch (latest) - DebugBar 1.1.2 - LetsEncrypt 3.5.0 - Mailman 2.0.4 - RoundcubePlugins 2.0.1

  • Good evening,

    The Incomplete authorizations generally mean that there was a bad setup at DNS or unexpected redirection. We can say nothing with full logs from /var/log/letsencrypt


  • Good evening,

    The Incomplete authorizations generally mean that there was a bad setup at DNS or unexpected redirection. We can say nothing with full logs from /var/log/letsencrypt

    ok this is from letsencrypt.log.19 from Apr 2 00:11 as an example. There are some logs without any error and some with same error.

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 - Debian 9 Stretch

  • @web4you

    Not the full logs...


  • Ok a checked all my logs from nr. 151 to 74

    I deleted a DNS entry bibergugger on my dnsmadeeasy but not in i-mscp. Log is attached.

    After that next error in log 36 but ther i did not changed anything like also on all of the following logs. Any of this domains now (and many more) have now this "Incomplete authorizations" status.

  • Ok i fixed it now with: (Does not explain the reason of this errors)!

    1. mysql> UPDATE `imscp`.`letsencrypt` SET `letsencrypt_status` = 'torenew' WHERE `letsencrypt_status` = 'Incomplete authorizations';


    1. perl /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/LetsEncrypt/cronjobs/ -dv

    I-MSCP 1.5.3 - Debian 9 Stretch

  • Hmm, I found the real reason of my "Incomplete authorizations".

    Sort of user error :S

    My fail2ban banned a range of IPs which included Letsencrypt server too ?(:cursing:

    So updates doesn't finish successfully.

    Just to give an example on NOT "How to do it". My fault.

    i-MSCP 1.5.1 + patches - debian stretch (latest) - DebugBar 1.1.2 - LetsEncrypt 3.5.0 - Mailman 2.0.4 - RoundcubePlugins 2.0.1