mail senden Problem

  • Hallo,

    ich bin gerade dabei, meine Domains auf einem neuen Server umzuziehen. Da ich keinen Admin mehr habe, muß ich als Dummie alles selber hinbekommen.

    • PHP Version 5.6.30-10+0~20170412071212.32+jessie~1.gbp3dd061
    • Server API CGI/FastCGI
    • mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503
    • i-MSCP 1.4.3
    • Build: 20170417
    • Codename: Zimmer


    • CronJobs Version 1.4.1
    • LetsEncrypt Version 3.1.0
    • PanelRedirect Version 1.1.5
    • ServerDefaultPage Version 1.2.3
    • SpamAssassin Version 1.1.1

    des weiteren habe ich versucht, RoundcubePlugins Version 2.0.0 zu installieren, aber mit unerwarteten Fehler.
    daraufhin habe ich folgendes gemacht:

    1. # cd /var/local/imscp/# rm -f packages/composer.phar# su -l imscp -s /bin/sh -c 'php ~/composer.phar self-update'

    aber ohne Erfolg. Jetzt kann ich das Plugin weder deaktivieren noch deinstallieren
    Plugin RoundcubePlugins kann nicht deinstalliert werden.

    Ich weiß jetzt nicht, ob es am fehlerhaften Plugin liegt, aber ich kann nur bedingt mails versenden. Der Empfang klappt aber.

    mail auf andere Domain auf gleichen Server funktioniert logischerweise
    mail an anderen Server aber beim gleichen Provider geht auch:

    1. May 23 16:17:07 root928 postfix/smtpd[12045]: connect from[]May 23 16:17:07 root928 dovecot: auth: Warning: auth client 0 disconnected with 1 pending requests: EOFMay 23 16:17:07 root928 postfix/smtpd[12045]: F1DCAA44BDF:[], sasl_method=LOGIN, sasl_username=sacinfo@senderdomain.comMay 23 16:17:08 root928 postfix/cleanup[12264]: F1DCAA44BDF: message-id=<7C921BFC17F4455EA215AC4AC9587673@Marketing>May 23 16:17:08 root928 spamd[20820]: spamd: connection from localhost [::1]:57102 to port 783, fd 6May 23 16:17:08 root928 spamd[20820]: spamd: processing message <7C921BFC17F4455EA215AC4AC9587673@Marketing> for 23 16:17:09 root928 spamd[20820]: spamd: clean message (-1.0/5.0) for in 0.9 seconds, 1577 bytes.May 23 16:17:09 root928 spamd[20820]: spamd: result: . 0 - ALL_TRUSTED,HTML_MESSAGE scantime=0.9,size=1577,,uid=112,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost,raddr=::1,rport=57102,mid=<7C921BFC17F4455EA215AC4AC9587673@Marketing>,autolearn=ham autolearn_force=noMay 23 16:17:09 root928 postfix/qmgr[12023]: F1DCAA44BDF: from=<>, size=1544, nrcpt=1 (queue active)May 23 16:17:09 root928 postfix/smtpd[12045]: disconnect from[]May 23 16:17:09 root928 spamd[14354]: prefork: child states: IIMay 23 16:17:09 root928 postfix/smtp[12267]: F1DCAA44BDF: to=<>,[84.x.x.x]:25, delay=1.7, delays=1.4/0.01/0.08/0.24, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 7506F8232A5)

    aber mail an einem anderen Server bei einem anderen Provider kommt unzustellbar zurück:

    Jetzt stehe ich total auf dem Schlauch, wäre schön, wenn jemand einen Newbie helfen kann.


  • Hi Wolfgang,
    der Fehler steht ganz klar im Log

    1. May 23 15:41:55 root928 postfix/smtp[11608]: D81E3A44BD2: to=<>,[]:25, delay=1.8, delays=1.5/0.01/0.16/0.08, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: [b]User unknown[/b] in virtual mailbox table (in reply to RCPT TO command))

    Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table

    Wenn Du so frisch bist, in Sachen Administration, empfehle ich Dir auf jeden Fall dich gaaaaaanz intensiv mit Linux zu beschäftigen.
    Ansonsten hast Du auf Deinem Server bald ganz andere Probleme.
    Oder suche Dir einen neuen Administrator und nimm Geld dafür in die Hand!


    1. May 23 15:41:55 root928 dovecot: lda( Error: quota: Unknown namespace: Trash

    Editiere mal die Datei "/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf".
    Dort dann die Zeile "quota_rule2"

    1. quota_rule2 = INBOX.Trash:storage=+100M

    Einfach das "INBOX" vor den "Trash" und Dovecot einmal restarten.

  • Good morning,

    There is two issues here.

    May 23 15:41:55 root928 postfix/smtp[11608]: D81E3A44BD2: to=<>,[]:25, delay=1.8, delays=1.5/0.01/0.16/0.08, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table (in reply to RCPT TO command))

    Is the hosted on your i-MSCP server instance?
    Is the recipient a valid (existent) mail account on your i-MSCP server instance?

    May 23 15:41:55 root928 dovecot: lda( Error: quota: Unknown namespace: Trash

    This is a bug that has been fixed in our development branch. You must edit your /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf file and apply the changes as done in that commit
    Once done, don't forget to restart Dovecot: service dovecot restart

    Regarding the RoundcubePlugins plugin, please update to latest version which is 2.0.1 and not 2.0.0.


  • Hello,

    tnx for answers!

    I did the change

    quota_rule2 = INBOX.Trash:storage=+100M

    and updated Roundcube to 2.0.1 and now Roundcube works, thanks!

    But cannot send email correctly.


    the is hosted on another server with i-MSCP by another Provider. It's a valid account which normaly works fine.

    But when I send a mail to, which too is hosted on another server with i-MSCP, but by the same provider, it works.


  • @Nuxwin

    the is hosted on another server with i-MSCP by another Provider. It's a valid account which normaly works fine.
    But when I send a mail to, which too is hosted on another server with i-MSCP, but by the same provider, it works.


    Just answer our questions. As stated in log, the recipient is not known:

    May 23 15:41:55 root928 postfix/smtp[11608]: D81E3A44BD2: to=<>,[]:25, delay=1.8, delays=1.5/0.01/0.16/0.08, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table (in reply to RCPT TO command))

    Please make sure that the recipient is known by your ( smtp server.


  • Hi Nuxwin, is only a pseudonym for each other server! I have the problem too, when I try to send mails to my friends/partners

    Just wrote a test to l.declercq (at)

    Did you receive it?

  • A pseudonym?

    Yes, I did received the mail but you should avoid that ! My mailbox is not a test service :cursing:

    I really think that you don't known what you're talking about, hence your problems.


  • Sorry,

    no thought, you receive it. :blush:

    Now I am a little confused. I wrote some mails to different friends, but not all they received it.
    When I write from other server (example: from, they receive it.

    So I thought that it must be the new server.
    Well, I will check it out all again. Thank you for spending your time.

  • @TheCry

    Da könntest Du durchaus recht haben, da ich gerade beim Umziehen bin. Normalerweise lösche ich den alten Eintrag, bevor ich so was ausprobiere, aber sicher bin ich mir nicht mehr. Ich habe auch noch einen falschen RDNS-Eintrag gefunden, und anscheinend geht es jetzt. Noch mal die letzten Rückmeldungen abwarten. :whistling:
