Sorry but i searched back until 2013 and found lots of entries for webmail and only a few with redirect, but nothing to the reason why it was removed. Please point me to that, while your are more in deep of that - thx.
Posts by Sunghost
habe das selbe Problem nach Server und i-MSCP Update. Die Frage nun, warum die Links entfernt wurden? Why those redirection was deleted? -
Thats what i tried to say
your right, but i didnt know thats a bug, so i asked first.
thanks for your reply. i will wait for this. i see in the plugin-store a roundcube plugin. am i right and i can install and use this for now? my problem is, that after upgrading, my sieve filter is gone and now i could reinstall this or use the plugins, right?thx
i did an update of Debian and also i-MSCP. Now i wonder that the roundcube is still in Version 0.9.5 while 1.0.3 is latest. after some reading here if found out, that roundcube will install as an plugin. my question is how should i handle this? remove roundcube from /public/tools/webmail and install it as plugin? i dindt find in 30min nothing about that, i think my i-mscp version was to old ,).
thx -
ich habe mal eine Frage zu ffmpeg. Aktuell teste ich es nur lokal auf einem xampp. Doch nun wo die Seite fast fertig ist, möchte ich es auch auf dem root unter i-mscp einsetzen. System ist Debian und ich habe ffmpeg außer auf dem Win-Testsystem nicht eingesetzt. Unter debian gibt es ein Paket, dass würde ich auf einem Standalonesystem einfach installieren. Meine Frage wäre nun , ist das so auch unter i-mscp sinnvoll bzw. so üblich, oder weil mehrere Webseiten drauf laufen, nicht zu empfehlen. Ffmpeg wird ja mittels exec angesprochen, daher denke ich ist es wenn dann nur für die Domain wo exec über das Panel erlaubt wird, gefährlich. Wenn überhaupt, oder? -
Nice - good to know that. But what i not understand is the part of unlimited quota. Do you realy mean unlimited or only unlimited in frame of the all allowed space?
Thx Nuxwin for taking time and answer this. I will do like this: 1. Update Squeeze to Wheezy and than Update i-MSCP latest Version.
edit: Nuxwin perhaps you have a short advice for updating i-MSCP and reconfigure the Configfiles. What whould the best way to do so and which files will overwritten by the updater? As far as i know from the last time i did it, i have to reconfigure the php.ini for all the customers. But what is with Roundcube, Mailquota in DB set manually above 2GB, Sieve and spammassasin and so on? Will this change while updating?
Many Thx -
Ne Info or News since that?
I agree with all speakers, but why is this release still online and can installed? Should it as an consequence of the disaster not canceld, or did you fix it (cant find any info of that here)? But at all you do a great job.