old Roundcube 1.1.0 after Upgrade to 1.1.14

  • Hello,
    i did an update of Debian and also i-MSCP. Now i wonder that the roundcube is still in Version 0.9.5 while 1.0.3 is latest. after some reading here if found out, that roundcube will install as an plugin. my question is how should i handle this? remove roundcube from /public/tools/webmail and install it as plugin? i dindt find in 30min nothing about that, i think my i-mscp version was to old ,).

  • i-MSCP bugs - Reporting rules
    Please add the missing infos to your first thread :)


    Atm the current supported roundcube version is 0.9.5. If you want, you could overwrite the old one in ?/var/www/imscp/gui/webmail/? (or something like that), but note that you also need to change some configs...
    The other way is to wait a little bit until our devs'll release a new compatible version.

  • Roundcube is not yet updated in i-MSCP. There will be a notification in this forum as soon as it is.

  • @Ninos
    your right, but i didnt know thats a bug, so i asked first.
    thanks for your reply. i will wait for this. i see in the plugin-store a roundcube plugin. am i right and i can install and use this for now? my problem is, that after upgrading, my sieve filter is gone and now i could reinstall this or use the plugins, right?
