Posts by kess

    Hello guys,
    I recently upgraded my installation from wheezy to jessie (with success). Everything is up and running perfectly.

    I had a problem With ClamAV milter, the service didn't start.
    After commenting out the line "AllowSupplementaryGroups true" the service has started correctly.

    This post is just for you to know and eventually correct.
    Thank you, bye Kess.

    Thank you for your fast reply, i know that method but unfortunately it does not fit my needs.

    I must migrate on my servers a website based on typo3 version 4.7 (I know it's old but I can not tell nothing to the customer). The webmaster needs ImageMagick (the true ImageMagick convert command) in order for the site to work correctly (don't ask me why, GD2 should also be fine but he pretends ImageMagick).

    How can I do in order to achieve that ?
    Thank you, bye Kess.

    Hi all guys,
    I searched the forums but I didn't find nothing about that.

    Do you know some intelligent method for enabling ImageMagick for some domains ?

    I know that by altering the open_baselib variable and adding the /usr/bin path does the trick, but I don't like that. In any case, after each update, these parameters are lost.

    Help please ;(
    Thank you, bye Kess.

    Here we go...

    @Nuxwin, voilà

    1. #!/bin/sh
    2. # first find all used files and touch them (hope it's not massive amount of files)
    3. [ -x /usr/bin/lsof ] && /usr/bin/lsof -w -l +d "${1}" | awk -- '{ if (NR > 1) { print $9; } }' | xargs -i touch -c {}
    4. # find all files older then maxlifetime
    5. find "${1}" -depth -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -ignore_readdir_race -type f -cmin "+${2}" -delete