FTP PASV Error if "masqueradeAddress" is set

  • Hello,

    first of all i think i've choosen the correct section ;)

    I installed a fresh i-mscp (1.2.17) on my server that is behind a firewall.
    It has another internal IP than the external.
    I configured the external IP as NAT IP.

    My FTP Config has this line
    MasqueradeAddress <Public / External IP>

    If this line is set, i get the following error while connecting:
    The server returned invalid response for PASV command.

    If this line is commented and I restart the server the FTP works fine.
    The Public ip is correct and im directly connecting via ip not hostname or sth.

    Any suggesstion how to fix this problem?
    (Sure i could comment the line and restart, but if the files where built new, the error exists again)

  • Hello,

    Which error you receive exactly? Which FTP server you use?


  • im using the ProFTPD Server

    FTP Client Log
    Using FTP protocol.
    Doing startup conversation with host.
    257 "/" is the current directory
    Getting current directory name.
    Rufe Verzeichnisinhalt ab...
    TYPE A
    200 Type set to A
    500 The server returned invalid response for PASV command.
    Konnte Verzeichnisinhalt nicht abrufen
    (ECommand) Fehler beim Anzeigen des Verzeichnisses "/".
    Konnte Verzeichnisinhalt nicht abrufen
    The server returned invalid response for PASV command.
    Startup conversation with host finished.

    (Sorry that its German)

  • @Levitas

    How you connect to the FTP server exactly? What is the host value you use in your client? Also, you try to connect from the WAN or your LAN? It is a home server installation (i-MSCP)?


  • connecting with winscp
    host: public IP adress
    tracert returns one hop (so the firewall seems to route the ping directly to the server, because the time is less than 1ms)
    im connecting from the LAN Network

  • Levitas? It is a home server?


  • @kess

    And those parameters are part of 1.3.x already ;)
