Posts by kess

    Hi Texas,
    thx for your reply.

    I don't use the registrar DNS system, I use i-MSCP for every DNS resource record. So in that case, I need to create these 2 CNAMEs into i-MSCP.

    The error I'm talking about on the first post, refers to the "_" character in the needed CNAME. Unfortunately i-MSCP custom DNS doesn't accept underscores in CNAMEs.
    Is that a bug that requires a fix ?

    Hello guys,
    please let me know if I'm the one with this problem.

    In order to enable DKIM for the domains hosted on Office 365, we should enable a couple of DNS records as described here:…t695945(v=exchg.150).aspx

    So to resume Microsoft says to create these 2 CNAMEs:

    1. Host name: selector1._domainkey.<domain>Points to address or value: selector1-<domainGUID>._domainkey.<initialDomain> TTL: 3600Host name: selector2._domainkey.<domain>Points to address or value: selector2-<domainGUID>._domainkey.<initialDomain> TTL: 3600

    it should be something:

    1. Host name:
    2. Points to address or value:
    3. TTL: 3600
    4. Host name:
    5. Points to address or value:
    6. TTL: 3600

    I have tried, but on the interface I receive the error: Could not validate DNS resource record: Invalid `Canonical name` field.
    There are some characters in the string '' that i-MSCP doesn't like, or just how the CNAME is formed.

    The problem can be easily reproduced by following what I wrote there. So just create a CNAME as Microsoft says.

    My System:
    Debian 8 x64, apache2, php-fpm, dovecot, proftpd.
    i-MSCP 1.3.8

    Please let me know if you need any further informations, or let me know where I'm doing something wrong.
    Thank you, bye Kess.

    I've read the whole thread, and as I can see you still continue to use as the CN for your certificate (in https at least).
    As it was told you, at present LetsEncrypt DOES NOT SUPPORT WILDCARD CERTIFICATES. A wildcard certificate is the one you need in order to use your domain name as CN, so it should be something like *

    So now to resume:
    Does LetsEncrypt work correctly in your Thunderbird setup ? In your customer's setup ?
    Does LetsEncrypt work correctly in your FireFox/IE/Edge/Chrome/Opera setup ? And in your customer's setup ?
    Is the LetsEncrypt CA present in your list of Trusted Certification Authorities ?
    Which is the problem now that you changed your CN, now that you upgraded i-MSCP and LetsEncrypt Plugin ?

    I have Thunderbird too, and checked a couple of things:
    - 1. I can't see in my "Certification Authority" list (in Thunderbird options), something regarding LetsEncrypt. So as far as the CA isn't validated by your mail client, the generated certificates aren't also recognized/validated.
    - 2. You use the name domain.tld in order to connect. As far as i know the only method to achieve that is by issuing a wildcard certificate. LetsEncrypt does not support wildcards. try with servername.domain.tld instead...

    I'm not 100% sure about what I write, if it's the case please correct my words.
    Bye Kess.

    Could you please post what happens when you click on "Ansehen..." ?