Posts by Nuxwin


    nach einem i-MSCP Update (hab ich schon von Beta1 bis zum jetzigen letzten Update mitverfolgt) muss man alle Ordner im Webmail wieder neu abonnieren. Gibts da eine Lösung das diese nach einem i-MSCP Update wieder automatisch im Webmail abonniert sind? Zur Info es funktioniert generell bei verschiedenste Webmail Programmen nicht. Im Einsatz ist i-MSCP 1.1.0RC1.4, Dovecot, Postfix auf Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS x64.

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    Ticket created:

    Thanks for using i-MSCP.

    How to create a ticket on our bug tracker

    Since many months, I see some tickets that are not understandable. I would so give you a little example of one ticket but first, I must recall you some rules (or good practices for those that don't like the 'rules' term ;)) that must be followed on our bug tracker when you want report any problem:

    • When you create a ticket, you must choose a good title. Titles such as "error during setup" without any other information is irrelevant for us and will be rejected without any further investigation from our side.
    • You must set the i-MSCP version you are currently using.
    • You must provide us information about your distribution, its codename and also the PHP version you are using if you encountered a bug related to PHP. Also, you must provide information about Apache module you are using (itk, fcgi..). Same thing for the imap/pop server (courier, dovecot).
    • You must provide a good description of the problem and also a procedure to make us able to reproduce it without lost time.
    • If you have already a fix, you must add a section called "Fix proposal" in your ticket or provide us a patch as attachment.
    • You must write your ticket only in English (Understandable English). A ticket with a title and only a link to a thread on our forum will be rejected without more investigation. Also, it's useless to make links to threads other than those written in English.
    • You must enclose any pasted text such as errors into bracket pairs such as {{{ <PASTED TEXT> }}}


    Ticket sample:

    The title:

    Bug - Unable to delete domain aliases when using shared mount point and HTTP redirection

    The body:

    In some contexts (eg, when using a shared mount point and when the HTTP redirection is enabled), it's not possible to delete a domain alias.

    How to reproduce

    1. Create account
    2. Create domain alias with mount point set to /xx/aa and HTTP redirection enabled
    3. Create domain alias with mount point set to /xx/aa and HTTP redirection enabled
    4. Create domain alias with mount point set to /xx/aa and HTTP redirection enabled

    Then, if now we try to delete one of those domain aliases, we are getting an error such as:

    1. cp cannot evaluate directory...

    The bug occurs because when we are using HTTP redirection, the mount point is not created and so, the cp command cannot evaluate an inexistent directory.

    Fixes proposal

    1. On backend side

    When deleting a domain alias, we must ensure the shared mount point exist before trying to save its content.

    2. On gui side

    If HTTP redirection is enabled, the mount point seems to be unneeded and the input field to define it should be hidden in the GUI to avoid such inconsistency. Of course, we must allow to edit the mount point when we are editing the domain alias and when the HTTP redirection of it is disabled.

    Note: This bug surely occurs with subdomains created in same way. Must be confirmed.

    Additional info:
    Distribution: Debian Squeeze
    PHP: 5.3


    @Moderators Please, translate this thread in your corners and stick it.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP

    One of the problematic cases is when you go to Settings -> Software options
    The code in software_options.php tries to download the xm file via file_get_contents so it will fail if navigation is blocked.
    Have yet to figure a neat way to fix this..

    Hello :

    I the documentation you created, you say:

    1. i-mscp relies on curl to download the information from the internet, so instead of integrating everything into i-mscp, it downloads some components (such as roundcube or phpmyadmin from their upstream projects.

    It's not true. The i-MSCP addons such as roundcube, phpmyadmin and ajaxplorer are still managed by us but in their own git repository and metadata for their repository are pulled from the repository (Official repository for composer packages).

    Also, it could be great if you add a title to your documentations.


    Bitte kein Problem, anbei noch eine kleine Frage bzgl. Dovecot Config.
    Ich habe Managesieve aktiviert und ist in der /etc/dovecot.conf eingetragen. Wenn ich ein i-MSCP Update mache wird die config wieder umgestellt. kann man dies irgendwo ändern oder unterbinden? Will nicht eine "ältere" dovecot.conf einspielen wegen der Gefahr das sich was bei i-MSCP in der dovecot.conf geändert hat.

    Hello ;

    I'll have a look at this problem too. Each time we update, we re-create all conffiles from scratch to ensure consistency with last master change but I agreed, it's a problem in some context.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP.[hr]

    Du kannst die templatefiles von imscp ändern. Diese findest du in Debian unter /etc/imscp/
    Beim update auf eine neue Version werden diese Files jedoch überschrieben, ergo, du musst bei jedem Versionsupdate deine Checkliste durchgehen^^

    Hello ;

    Any custom template (modified for your need) is replaced when running the imscp-autoinstall script (install option). You must choose the build option when running the imscp-autoinstaller script.

    For instance (with last RC):

    1. You backup your custom templates
    2. When running the imscp-autoinstaller script, you choose the build option
    3. You copy new files on the file system
    4. You restore your own templates
    5. You run the imscp-setup script

    Normally, by following that procedure, all goes fine. You must only check your custom templates to report any fix from those provided with the new iMSCP version.

    Thanks for using i-MSCP.

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    You must use absolute path.

    If your script is in /etc/examplefolder then, you must add the following path: /etc/examplefolder

    You can add multiple paths separated by PATH_SEPARATOR (colon also called dot-point) in this way: /etc/examplefolder:/var/examplefolder

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP.

    But it may cause more bugs first of all. It's only a wishlist. I understand what you want, but I disagree with you. First of all we must concentrate on beta testing and fixing existing bugs, not to open new bugs to your own head. It will provide us to release 1.1.0 ASAP.

    Also, for example I said about a problem, that may cause a Critical bug. I have only 2-3 such clients, but some users may have >30 such clients, and they may does't know about it. Don't hurry, we need a review. Also it may cause a server overload.

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    Who has says that it will be implemented in 1.1.0 ? Also, you are talking about a critical bug without explain your thinking. Please, take care of my poor head. :D
