Posts by Nuxwin

    Yes, backup on demand is not so hard work, but now it can make more questions, then answers.
    - Client must choose what to restore (GUI changes)
    - Reseller or admin must choose how much disk space it wil need to make for backups (it's better to know how many disk space use only site, for example some of my clienst stored there about 40 GB of data).
    In this case we must rewie the backup engine, don't hurry. I think it must be only in 1.2.0

    Backup on demand button will only trigger the backup script for customer.
    Disk space for user should be based on customer disk space limit (no space for backup then, no backup). Now, if your user are storing about 40GB, it's your problem. You must fire them about your rules or downgrade their space limit to avoid such thing.

    Hello ;

    See at the admin/settings.php interface. You will see an option to configure the open_basedir paths.

    The setting is called: Value for the open_basedir directive

    and you can see tooltip that say:

    1. The directory file paths are appended to the default PHP open_basedir directive of customers. Each of them must be separated by PATH_SEPARATOR. See the PHP documentation for more information.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP

    gOOvER Sorry, we answered in same time :D

    Hello ;

    And what about a new feature for backup on demand?

    I see something like this:

    1. Admin can allow reseller to activate backup on demand option for their resellers
    2. Reseller can activate backup on demand for their customer and specifies how many demand they can trigger per day?

    Of course, we still have daily backup (one per day).

    It's easy to add so ?

    Thanks for using i-MSCP.

    It's with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc1.4, which is a Fast bugfix release.

    This release addresses the following issues:


    • Added package files for Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal and Ubuntu Raring Ringtail

    Configuration files:

    • Updated fcgid configuration files for high-load sites


    • Fixed #274 (reopened): Defect - Proftpd limits doesn't work
    • Fixed #548: Bug - Missing comment character in configs/debian/fcgi/parts/php5-fcgid-starter.tpl
    • Fixed #550: Boolean PHP Values should be set with php_flag and not php_value
    • Fixed #551: Bug - Preseed feature is broken
    • Fixed #552: Bug - PHP constants are not recognized outside of PHP (such as in Apache vhost files)
    • Fixed #555: Cosmetics - Missing translation at reseller level
    • Fixed #560: Review - Backup filenames are not windows-friendly
    • Fixed #562: Bug - Error in apache_fcgi installer
    • Fixed #563: Defect - protected_plugins.php file not in gui/cache
    • Fixed #565: Bug - Ftp limits not applied - Proftpd not restarted

    Furthermore, all languages files were synchronized with the last available versions on Transifex.

    We would like to remind you that this version should not be used in a production environment, and that any bugs found should be reported on our issues tracker.
    Feel free to test this new version and get in touch with us about any improvement that you would like see integrated.

    See…released?pid=9084#pid9084 for more information about new features and fixes integrated in the 1.1.0-rc1 release.


    Thanks you for using i-MSCP.

    Hello ;

    Both, the imap and smtp host are based on value entered during setup.

    Eg, if you entered when you are asked about the hostname from which iMSCP should be reachable (BASE_SERVER_VHOST parameter) , the hosts will be:

    Of course, the DNS A records must be correctly set. This is done automatically if you are using the DNS as configured by i-MSCP but if you are using an external DNS server, you must create these records.

    BTW: 'localhost' is ok as long roundcube is installed on the same server (where the imap and mta server are).

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP

    Hello ;

    Thanks, I'll see if the problem is already reported on the project and update.

    Edit: It's a problem with Squirrel...

    You can either fix the problem or wait for next stable release.