Posts by Nuxwin

    i really don't see how just a little ssh or cronjobs are more important than the power of multi-server, as the software is advertised as, but okay ;) i voted for SSH, as that's a valuable feature, but nothing compared to multi-server.

    you say it's possible, then perhaps it's worth it to make it a reality from what is already known. many times i've contemplated switching to ispconfig because it supports it already. their interface is just so terrible haha.

    anyways, i'll start a new thread so we can discuss how it is possible...

    Hello ;

    I think the answer from c0urier is not really about the multi-server but more about respect of the purpose of that thread. :rolleyes:

    To make that answer more understandable (with my words), I would say: God, even when we create a survey for a specific thing, we have always a guy that comes and talks about other things. Don't take my words bad but I think we are working hard to make our users happy. The multi-server transition will be done but not for next stable release (too many things to change). We are in RC state. ;)

    Opening a specific thread about multi-server is the way to process. ;)

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP

    The vector used for most of the web attacks to install the toolkits for exploitation of the server is usually the http download. Hence blocking that and allowing only trusted browsing you are avoiding many risks. Since changing that policy the incidents are much more uncommon, specially on a hosting server where the customers don't update the websites with security patches.

    Re ;

    I'm still in my position. Are you really thinking that customers will edit Web applications uploaded in their Web directory to make them compliant with any proxy you are using? I'm talking about applications that use Curl and so on... For now, It's not possible to setup proxy globally for PHP. You can do that with some workarounds (I've found one) but it's no viable for all contexts.

    Well, that sounds really like a bad idea. ;)

    Hello ;

    Thanks to participate to this survey. It will define the order in which we'll integrate that three features:

    • SSH access (Available options will be: Full and jailed shell) DONE See the InstantSSH plugin)
    • Support for PureFTPd
    • Website Cronjobs ( Available options will be: URL, Jailed and Full ) Support for jailed cron jobs will require the InstantSSH plugin.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP.

    Note: This survey is only for features requesting hard works. Some other features such as Dual IP stack will be integrated soon.


    Son problème est simplement lié au fait que dans les dernières versions d'i-MSCP nous utilisons un nom de domaine pleinement qualifié pour le paramètre host de roundcube (imap et smtp) et non plus 'localhost'. Ainsi, si les enregistrements DNS liés n'existent pas (ne son pas créés dans la zone DNS), roundcube ne peut pas trouver les serveurs (imap|smtp) - (résolution DNS).

    En ce qui concerne le problème de routeur (et non du parfeu), c'est un problème connu. Mais normalement, i-MSCP est utilisé avec des adresses IP publiques. Une option sera prochainement ajoutée pour autoriser ce genre de configuration.

    BTW: Le routeur de la livebox (J'en ai une) comme celui de free (J'en ai eu un) autorisent tout les deux la redirection de ports et c'est très facile à configurer. Tu peux même créer une DMZ.

    En ce qui me concerne, j'ai ma livebox (routeur) connectée à un autre routeur (NetGear) qui lui me sert en WIFI. Et je configure mes redirections via mon routeur NetGear qui est plus robuste que celui de la livebox.

    WAN ---> LIVEBOX --> NETGEAR --> LAN