Please, make use of bbocde tags when you copy/past something, e.g: [code] bla bla bla [/code]. I'm a bit tired to edit your posts
Quote from evolviaYes that is right, so when is enabled "Custom DNS records" customers can or not make modifications about zones.
Sorry my explaination not very precise, the feature is to add a new button similar "Custom DNS records" for example "Resolve with local DNS" that switch from local or remote DNS the resolution of customer zones.
And if I remove evolvia.websites lines in bind9 at file named.conf.local this domain come back to remote resolver:
That's exactly what I propose The entry in the named.conf.local bind9 local configuration file is added by the i-MSCP bind9 server implementation (zone entry). If we add a switch ON/OFF for the DNS management and if you say "OFF", of course, that entry will not be added and no zone file will be generated.