Posts by Nuxwin


    Please, make use of bbocde tags when you copy/past something, e.g: [code] bla bla bla [/code]. I'm a bit tired to edit your posts ;)

    Quote from evolvia

    Yes that is right, so when is enabled "Custom DNS records" customers can or not make modifications about zones.

    Sorry my explaination not very precise, the feature is to add a new button similar "Custom DNS records" for example "Resolve with local DNS" that switch from local or remote DNS the resolution of customer zones.

    And if I remove evolvia.websites lines in bind9 at file named.conf.local this domain come back to remote resolver:

    That's exactly what I propose ;) The entry in the named.conf.local bind9 local configuration file is added by the i-MSCP bind9 server implementation (zone entry). If we add a switch ON/OFF for the DNS management and if you say "OFF", of course, that entry will not be added and no zone file will be generated.

    1. Come back to control panel and choose "No" on "Custom DNS records" at this moment I supposed that resolver search remotly but dig give to us same result

    So now, you agree now that the custom DNS resource record feature has nothing to do with your request for enhancement ;) That's a good starting point. As I said in my previous answer, assumptions are just unhelpful. This just make us losing time ;)

    What you want (Enhancement request), is the ability to deactivate i-MSCP DNS management for specific domains, even when Bind9 is installed and set as local DNS resolver. Of course, this is possible. A simple switch ON/OFF for the DNS feature (on a per customer basis or per domain basis) should do the trick.

    Does we agreed each other?

    This should be a simplification because is always external resolver but become locally when choose to customize DNS records. At UI altredy exist this switch per customer.

    I've repeated already three times that the feature for custom DNS resource records has nothing to do with your problem. The button for the custom DNS record (reseller side) only enable or disable the custom DNS resource record feature for the client. That feature allows the client to add its own DNS resource records or override default SPF resource records. This has nothing to do with the fact that a zone file will be created or not for the domain... If you select bind9 while the i-MSCP installation and use it as local resolver, the DNS server will be authoritative for any domain managed through i-MSCP, at least locally.

    Now, if you're really constating some differences when the feature for the custom DNS resource records is enabled or disabled, which shouldn't be the case unless you effectively add custom DNS record through the custom DNS interface (client side), you should at least provide us with the differences (axfr result). Assumptions are just unhelpful here and we are not magiciens. Basically put:

    • Enable the custom DNS resource records feature for your client, then provide us with the result of the following command (from your server): dig axfr <domain.tld>
    • Disable the custom DNS resource records feature for your client, then provide us with the result of the following command (from your server): dig axfr <domain.tld>

    Thank you.

    While installing i-MSCP, you can choose the PHP version to use... You need to rerun the i-MSCP installer as follows:

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dr php

    BTW: You should learn a bit by yourself and search on our forums. Also please, one thread = one problem. If you don't follow our rules, you'll be banned.

    If I understood the request correctly, he wants DNS resolver not globally but per domain.

    currently while i-MSCP setup you can specify either to user or not to use the local DNS resolver. From evolvia's explanation he would like to define that not globally, but per customer.

    possible solution: always enable local DNS resolver globally (remove dialog in setup), but if a customer is set to disabled, don't create a zone file (then server resolves this domain-zone externally). if enabled, then do create a zone file. severenity medium++

    Well, that's exactly what I say excepted the fact that in your case you propose to remove dialog in installer regarding local DNS resolver.

    The question for the local resolver is part of the Bind9 server implementation: "Do you want use Bind9 as local DNS resolver", in which case an entry such as nameserver in the /etc/resolv.conf file is added.

    The local DNS resolution is not directly linked to his problem because even if you don't set Bind9 as local resolver, you'll need a resolver. The fact is that if Bind9 is used as local DNS resolver, names will be resolved locally (no external query) when it is authoritative for them. That why a simple switch in the UI (enable/disable DNS management) for a specific domain (or per customer account) should be sufficient.

    Note that this has nothing to do with the custom DNS RR feature. That last depend on the DNS feature which is currrently always turned on once you install Bind9 while i-MSCP installation.

    Finally, I think that we understand each other ;)

    Nothing to do with Custom DNS RR feature...


    It looks like, during execution of that script, the SQL server isn't running or is very slow, causing the script to time-out. Do you run backups at the same time by chance?

    This bug affect several users. I've rewritten the script for next version... Basically put, the server goes away (generally due to timeout issue or server overload issue)... In next version, there will be better management for reconnection...

    When we have local DNS resolution with Bind9 and in domain configuration we choose for a domain No on custom DNS Records, we wish comment or remove from named.conf.local entry of that domain.

    The feature for custom DNS resource records has nothing to do with the fact that the DNS zone file will be generated or not for a specific domain. Once you enable bind9 while installing i-MSCP, that last will generrate a DNS zone file for all managed domains. Basically put, what you want is a switch in the UI to tell i-MSCP to not manage DNS zone for a specific domain. That's a feature request. You need create that feature request on our issue tracker. This shouldn't be hard to implement.

    theemstra I think that with my explanation you now understand the purpose.