Posts by Nuxwin

    What is the correct way to handle this, until the new clamav plugin, which will be not free anymore, will be released? Should we stay in this situation until then, disable the clamav plugin, or is there any fix for the moment? Unfortunately the clamav readme from the i-mscp plugin is removed, therefore I wasn't able to check and fix the config change myself.

    The file is part of the plugin so you should have access to it under the /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/ClamAV directory.

    After restarting the clamav-daemon, and the clamav-milter filter, what's the content of the /run/clamav directory, and the /var/spool/postfix/clamav directory ?

    Also please, post the content of your /etc/clamav/clamd.conf file, and the content of your /etc/clamav/clamav-milter.conf file. I'm pretty sure that your milter configuration file is wrong but...

    BTW: Don't forget to surround your copy-past with bbcode tags.

    I can see right now that I use the plugin YubiKey Auth it will not be displayed in the new styles unfortunately you could still add it.

    The theme is not ready for production use as there are still many things to do. aaroniker make it on his free time so just be patient. Regarding the problem with OTP, that's expected because the html tags are not identical and thus, the plugin cannot find/replace the appropriate tag to insert its own html snippet. This problem will be addressed later, that is, when the theme will be ready for integration in i-MSCP.

    And could you also change 2017 to 2019 or there are problems with Nuxwin .

    There is no problem with me at all. Again, that theme is still a work in progress.

    You're welcome. Please mark the thread as solved ;)

    The problem appear clearly in systemd log:

    Specially that line:

    1. Sep 09 18:34:05 cloudserv111 dockerd[168039]: time="2019-09-09T18:34:05.776777889+02:00" level=warning msg="failed to create proxy for port 9876: listen tcp :9876: listen: address already in use"

    That port 9876 is the one used by the i-MSCP daemon ;) I don't really known what your docker is trying to do with that port (proxy ???) but... At least, you have a road for investigating now ;);)

    After investigation, it appear that the problem is related to your docker daemon. Once the docker daemon is stopped, everything goes as expected with the control panel. I've no time to investigate further and this is not really i-MSCP related.

    Note that docker daemon is now stopped. You should fix the configuration. There is surely a clash somewhere..

    Yes, thank you for your quick and helpful answer. I should check the instantSSH config.

    So basically put, you have a syntax error in one of your plugin config file. And it seem you know which plugin (InstantSSH) so the problem is on your side ;)

    Thread closed.

    Ok, something more is damaged. I can repair it using /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr but every other action I execute after that is stuck, too. I have to call /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr everytime. So I am looking forward for a solution :-).

    I'm connected to your server but I need also the admin username/password for the control panel. Please send me the credential through private conversation. Also please, don't do anything more on the server as long as I'm working on it.

    I'm a week late in fact due to personal reasons... The new version should have been released last sunday... The new version should be released tomorrow.