Posts by Nuxwin

    I get an error "An error occurred while setup of PHP build environment: need to specify operation before --basepath option"

    See also PHPSwitcher 5.0 - need to specify operation before --basepath option (duplicate report).

    What is wrong with --architecture amd64? How to solve this?

    What do you mean? Why do you think this has something to do with the architecture?

    Dear community,

    A new version of the PhpSwitcher plugin has just been released.

    Version compatible with i-MSCP Serie ≥ 1.5.3

    Once connected on our forums, you can purchase this plugin at:

    Documentation is available at:

    WARNING: The support for PHP 5.4 and 5.5 has been temporarily disabled due to an imcompatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.x. Support for those versions will be re-added in next version when the OpenSSL 1.1.x compatibility patches will be ready. At this moment the following PHP versions are supported: 5.3, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 (RC2).

    Thank you for using our plugins.


    any update on the release date? :)

    Regards, Sven.

    Good evening,

    Well, all reported issues were closed on github... I would get some feedbacks from users having access to the repository to know if all is working as expected before releasing the new version. I know you have access to the repository so you could maybe give your feedback ;)

    There is also the translation files to update. Most important is the German translation file I think... You could maybe help on this side, making a pull request?

    TheCry Maybe you could take care of the german translation with a PR?

    Thanks you.

    Good morning,

    For those people, which have a license for the i-MSCP PhpSwitcher plugin, and which want have access to the git repository for testing purpose, you need give us your GitHub account name through private messaging. Once done, we'll add you as colaborator, making you able to clone the repository.

    Bear in mind that because this repository is private, you MUST not make it publicly available. Please, don't fork it.

    For testing, you should process as follows:

    1. cd /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins
    2. rm -Rf PhpSwitcher
    3. git clone --depth=1 PhpSwitcher
    4. rm -r ./PhpSwitcher/.git
    5. perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/
    6. service imscp_panel restart

    Then, once done, you MUST not forget to trigger a plugin list update through the plugin management interface.

    WARNING: You need bear in mind that version from the git repository can have some bugs yet... Please report any issue at…r-self-compilation/issues

    Thank you.

    And yes. The clamav plugin is installed and activated in i-mscp. It seems to work without any problems now. But I can confirm, that the clamav package update changed something in the config, it was displayed in the apt upgrade process. I think it was the milter configuration file.

    I can see that your clamav-milter.conf is different from mine.

    Yes, the plugin is working as expected. There is only the problem of the clamd socket file that is very long to be created as explained in my previous messages... That's a big problem because I don't know how we can delay the start of the clamav-milter service till that the clamd socket file is effectively created...

    You milter conffile seem to be same as me ;)

    fulltilt  freedom

    See below to know why the socket file is very long to be created:

    1. root@phpswitcher:~# service clamav-daemon stop

    1. root@phpswitcher:~# /usr/sbin/clamd --foreground=false --debug
    2. root@phpswitcher:~# pkill -KILL -f /usr/sbin/clamd

    A the same time on another console:

    Basically put, loading signatures is very long process (~40 seconds)... And the socket file will not be created before...


    Your /etc/clamav/clamav-milter.conf configuration file is totally wrong... It look like the content of the /etc/clamav/clamd.conf configuration file... Did you do a wrong copy past or? Content, when the i-MSCP ClamAV plugin is activated, should be:

    fulltilt  freedom

    I've juste tested the behavior under Debian Stretch. The problem seem to be related to the /run/clamav/clamd.ctl socket file which make very long time to be created and so, when the clamav-milter service is being started, the /run/clamav/clamd.ctl socket file is not found, leading to the "WARNING: No clamd server appears to be available" message, and possibly other error messages.

    Basically put:

    1. root@phpswitcher:~# ls /run/clamav

    As you can see here, the clamav-daemon is running but the /run/clamav/clamd.ctl socket file is not created yet....

    However, after few seconds:

    1. root@phpswitcher:~# ls /run/clamav
    2. clamd.ctl

    Problem is that the clamav-milter service, is started just after the clamav-damon service but at this time, the /run/clamav/clamd.ctl socket file has not been created yet...

    Well, this has nothing to do with the plugin in fact... I need investigate further to know why the /run/clamav/clamd.ctl socket file creation is so long...