PhpSwitcher plugin version 5.0.0 - Testing - Git repository access

  • Good morning,

    For those people, which have a license for the i-MSCP PhpSwitcher plugin, and which want have access to the git repository for testing purpose, you need give us your GitHub account name through private messaging. Once done, we'll add you as colaborator, making you able to clone the repository.

    Bear in mind that because this repository is private, you MUST not make it publicly available. Please, don't fork it.

    For testing, you should process as follows:

    1. cd /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins
    2. rm -Rf PhpSwitcher
    3. git clone --depth=1 PhpSwitcher
    4. rm -r ./PhpSwitcher/.git
    5. perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/
    6. service imscp_panel restart

    Then, once done, you MUST not forget to trigger a plugin list update through the plugin management interface.

    WARNING: You need bear in mind that version from the git repository can have some bugs yet... Please report any issue at…r-self-compilation/issues

    Thank you.


  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label in progress
  • Nuxwin

    Changed the title of the thread from “PhpSwitcher plugin - next version - Git repository access” to “PhpSwitcher plugin version 5.0.0 - Testing - Git repository access”.
  • Nuxwin

    Closed the thread.