Posts by victor531
Hi Laurent, today I have upgraded to the last master and I have recibed a lot of emails with the following content:
Code- Dear admin,
- An exception with the following message has been thrown in file
- /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Initializer.php (Line: 249):
- =================================================================
- The gui/data/sessions directory must be writable.
- =================================================================
- Debug backtrace:
- ---------------
- File: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Initializer.php (Line: 136)
- Method: iMSCP_Initializer::_initializeSession()
- File: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Initializer.php (Line: 95)
- Method: iMSCP_Initializer::_processAll()
- File: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/environment.php (Line: 231)
- Method: iMSCP_Initializer::run()
- File: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/imscp-lib.php (Line: 148)
- Function: require_once()
- File: /var/www/imscp/gui/public/plugins.php (Line: 30)
- Function: require_once()
The same…f-1-1-0-rc4-1-mit-Fehlern (the second post)
I 've changed the permission of the sessions folder from 550 to 750, that rigth?
I haven't received more emails with this content .
The panel works fine, and I can´t see any problems at first glance.
Thanks Laurent, great job and I hope you can continue it as fast as you have been doing it so far.:P
Saludos cordiales y gracias
Hi folks, I want to ask you a little question in order to update my imscp panel.
1.- Which one has the latest release
All theese links are from today.2.- Which is the right way to make an update
Quoteperl /usr/local/src/imscp/imscp-autoinstall
perl /usr/local/src/imscp/imscp-autoinstall -dThanks in advance
Server : squeeze + fcgi
Panel: GIT master 2013-07-23
Codename:Eagle -
Hola amigos, les comento que en el pasado he tenido ese tipo de problemas y los he superado cambiando los permisos de carpetas y archivo como dice jpertuz.
Y aprovechando el impulso jpertuz, quisiera ver si me pudieras mostrar tu configuración del jail.conf para esto:
QuoteApoyate con fail2ban y expresiones regulares para bloquear cierto tipo de ataques, por ejemplo N cantidad de conexiones POST en menos de 7 segundos. Busqueda de carpetas administrativa ej: /phpmyadmin phppgadmin, etc, esos intentos con fail2ban los puedes bloquear.
Yo tengo instalado Fail2ban y me funciona bastante bien para varias cosas, pero no lo tengo específicamente para los POST, por lo que te agradecería si me pudieras dar una pista de la configuración
Gracias de antemano
Hi gOOvER, did you know that according to the latest studies, despite all of the advances in medicine, there is still no cure for the common birthday. :P:D
Happy Birthday
Hi, bad to know about this, and ... is it possible to get your new fail2ban filters?, because we have a VPS in production and in July we were attacked in a similar way, and we had to turn off our server for a 2 hour period.
Thanks in advance
Gracias Antonio, lo voy a revisar, trataré de cambiar las rutas y archivos ya que efectivamente hay diferencias y después de eso haré el intento.
Si no resulta te voy a comentar.
Saludos cordiales
Hi, same as me, I have the Owncloud and PhpPgAdmin installed in the tools directory, and with every update, they loose the permissions, and I have to reconfigure them manually.
Estimado Antonio, favor, ¿podrías postear aquí tu script ?, mira que le he estado buscando en el otro foro y se pega al intentar descargarlo.
Gracias de antemano