Posts by victor531

    Hi, I have a problem to reach the panel, I´ve rented a VPS with Xen tecnology, and I have the following ip

    Public IP aa.61.83.88
    Netmask IP pública
    Network IP pública aa.61.83.0
    Broadcast IP pública aa.61.83.255
    Gateway IP pública aa.61.83.1
    IP Servidor de Nombres a.8.8.8

    The IP that I've used to install teh panel was aa.61.83.88

    The panel is installed without problem but the server says The requested URL / was not found on this server.
    I thinks this is an Ip problem but, I don't know what the correct IP is

    OS Squeeze
    Panel imscp-1.1.0-rc1.4

    Any help is apreciated

    Sorry, the IP was correct but it was in this format
    and it needs to be in format


    Hi folks, today one of my customer told me that he can´t upload a .zip file, and when he tries to upload a small file an error appears (see the attached image). Besides, He told me that he can´t download a whole folder, so he has to do it file by file. :huh:

    Why this beavior ?, Is this normal?

    Sorry for this questions I think perhaps it may be something related to Ajaxplorer and not to the IMSCP.

    Any help is apreciated

    OS: Squeeze
    panel : IMSCP 1.1.0-rc1.4 • 2013-01-07
    Mod: Apache ITK


    This Howto is to be used with Squeeze and i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc1.3, and I widely recommend to do a back up of the files that we will modify.

    1.- Install PostgreSQL
    2.- Create PostgreSQL Administrator
    3.- Install PhpPgAdmin
    4.- Config PhpPgAdmin
    5.- Create Alias
    6.- Eliminate some restrictions
    7.- Create Users and Database in our server
    8.- Managing the PostgreSQL server

    1.- Install PostgreSQL
    Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add


    save and exit


    apt-get update
    apt-get -t squeeze-backports install postgresql-9.1
    apt-get install php5-pgsql

    2.- Create PostgreSQL Administrator
    Now we create the postgres administrator with the following steps / the admin username is just an example, you can change this username as you wish :


    su postgres
    createuser admin
    ¿Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) ? y

    After that we set a password for it


    psql postgres

    This enters us into the postgreSQL shell and now we can set the password into the ' '


    alter user admin with password 'superstrong_password';

    And then exit



    3.- Install PhpPgAdmin
    Download, unpack and copy the last PhpPgadmin version

    4.- Config PhpPgAdmin
    Now we need to configure some specific settings modifying the following file



    Search and replace the following directives to look like this


    $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = 'localhost';
    $conf['owned_only'] = true;
    $conf['owned_reports_only'] = true;
    $conf['min_password_length'] = 5;

    PhpPgAdmin has a warning in the process option. In order to fix this bugs, we need to edit



    Search in line 6473 aprox


    function isSuperUser($username) {

    and change it for


    function isSuperUser($username = '') {

    And change this (in line 6476 aprox)


    if (function_exists('pg_parameter_status')) {

    for this


    if (empty($username)) {

    5.- Create Alias
    Now we have to add some new aliases to the control panel. For this, we need to modify the following 3 files:

    a.- In /etc/imscp/apache/00_master.conf after the last Alias directive, we add


    Alias /pga {ROOT_DIR}/gui/public/tools/pga

    b.- In /etc/imscp/apache/parts/domain.tpl after the last Alias directive, we add


    RedirectMatch permanent ^/pga[\/]?$ {BASE_SERVER_VHOST_PREFIX}{BASE_SERVER_VHOST}/pga/

    c.- In /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf after the last Alias directive, we add


    Alias /pga /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/pga/

    After that, we need to rebuild the customer's configuration files


    perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup

    At this point it is necesary to restart Apache web server to activate the new aliases
    etc/init.d/apache2 restart

    And Now we can acces to the PhpPgAdmin through


    6.- Eliminate some restrictions to be able to export the databases
    In order to permit the export of the database, we need to remove the pssthru and exec restrictions of the disable_functions list.

    For Apache FCGI or FastCgi installation we found this restrictions in



    For Apache ITK installation we found this restrictions in



    After that is necesary to restart the Apache server
    etc/init.d/apache2 restart

    7.- Create users and databases in our Server
    Creating users and databases may now be done through phpPgAdmin; And now we login as the admin user that we've just created.
    User: admin
    Password: superstrong_password

    Remember to create the client users with no inherited permissions nor rights to create databases and roles, but allowing them to login.

    8.- Managing the PostgreSQL server
    PostgreSQL may be restarted or stopped using it's init.d script, as any other service:


    /etc/init.d/postgresql start
    /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
    /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

    That is all

    Good luck


    When we decompress the .tar files of the RC1 version it decompresses in that directory, after that the instalation process goes on without problems until the end.

    The panel works fine aparently, and Nuxwin said that he knows this bugs.


    Re ;

    Yes, now it's when you update that the bug occurs in some contexts, depending of involved modules when rebuilding customer files... It's my fault and I'm sorry. I was tired today. I prefer fix all that tomorrow to avoid to release billions of fast bugfixe releases...

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP.

    Hey Nuxwin, don't apologize, you are working a lot, and remember that today is Christmas day and yet you are working.

    I think that you need a rest because you have helped us everyday, besides you work in the development of this panel therefore you don't need to give us any explanation or apologize about the bugs of this software. I see this as a normal thing and our work is to find these bugs when we use this panel and report them to you.

    Please do not take this the wrong way but the little mistakes we've found recently have been due to the presure you've been working under.

    Thanks again

    Hi guys, I'm installing the recently released RC1 in a brand new OS squeezy, and at the end it shows me this error


    [ ERRORS ]

    iMSCP::Debug::__ANON__: Argument "Error while executing query: You have an error in your S..." isn't numeric in bitwise or (|) at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.1.0-rc1.1/engine/setup/ line 217.

    The panel works fine, but I don't know when or where it will fail

    What does it mean (the error)?

