I have a little question about this, which is the better option to choice, ... systemd or sysvinit in jessie?, are there big differences really ?
My server (VPS):
OS Wheezy
I-mscp 1.2.2
Thanks in advance
Víctor Rodríguez
I have a little question about this, which is the better option to choice, ... systemd or sysvinit in jessie?, are there big differences really ?
My server (VPS):
OS Wheezy
I-mscp 1.2.2
Thanks in advance
Víctor Rodríguez
Hi, just a little question
Every day I have this message in /var/log/message
Is this normal?
Any advice is welcome
Thanks in advance
I-mscp 1.2.2
Plugins: OpenDkim; Spamassassin; PanelRedirect
Ok, thanks
Hi Nuxwin thanks for your replay, but my real situatión is this
In the server, in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools the Owncloud, PhpPgadmin and Adminer (for Mysql and Postgres) are installed and they work just fine with the listener and if a cliente writes domain.com/pga redirects the request to hhtp://admin.server.domain.com:8080/tools/PhpPgAdmin and it is OK.
But what I want, is that if a cliente writes domain.com/pma|ftp|webmail it should be redirected to domain.com:8080/pma|ftp|webmail.
I thougth that it could be done with the PanelRedirect plugins but I don't know what it does or what else should I do because I've installed and activated this plugins but nothing happened.
Could you give me any advice to make PanelRedirect plugins work in this way domain.com:8080/pma|ftp|webmail, and not in hhtp://admin.server.domain.com:8080/pma|ftp|webmail?
Thanks in advance
Panel 1.2.2
PHP 5.4.36-0
MYSQL 5.5.41-0
Just a little questión if someone has the answer
I´ve implemented a listener which contains a redirect directive like this
" RedirectMatch permanent ^(/(?:pma|webmail|ftp)[\/]?)\$ {BASE_SERVER_VHOST_PREFIX}{BASE_SERVER_VHOST}\:8080\$1\n"
This directive returns this answer http://admin.server.maindomain.com:8080/pma. and it is OK
My question is, what should I put in this directive to get this answer http://domain.com:8080/ftp ?
Thanks in advance.
Victor Rodriguez A.
PHP 5.4.36-0
MYSQL 5.5.41-0
Thanks for you answers, specially to @Ninos because he gave me tips to redirect the access to the tools.
Thanks to Nuxwin for this awesome work
Victor Rodriguez
Hi, averyone
Yesterday I've Upgrade the panel from 1.1.18 to 1.2.2 (https://github.com/i-MSCP/imscp/releases/tag/1.2.2) successfully in a few minutes and also the PMA, Filemanager and Roundcube were upgraded without any kind of problem.
After that the access for the user to filemanager is www.domain.com:8080/ftp and it is OK, but if we try to access by admin.server.domain.com:8080/tools/ftp the user and their password is marked as wrong.
PMA and Roundcube work fine if we access by admin.server.domain.com:8080/tools/(pma)-(webmail) or domain.com:8080/(pma)-(webmail)
Is this behavior normal?
PHP 5.4.36-0
MYSQL 5.5.41-0
Thanks in advance
Victor Rodriguez A.
Estimado Antonio ya estoy aquí de nuevo, gracias por tu tip pero ya lo había probado y tampoco funciona, voy a seguir buscando y probando y comentaré el resultado.
Gusto ver que estas activo y espero estés bien
Hola amigos, tengo un pequeño problema y no lo he podido solucionar, y es con el htacces de los dominios del panel.
Antiguamente para redireccionar desde un archivo a otro solo editaba el .htaccess y escribía algo similar a esto
Pero ahora esto no funciona, favor indicarme por donde puedo comenzar a ver, ya que estuve revisando las configuración del Apache y aparentemente todo va bien.
Y para los alias, para evitar que algunos clientes digitaran toda la URL, solo incorporaba
Y esto tampoco funciona ahora.
Lo revisé con 4 dominios y no redirecciona absolutamente nada incuso incorporando el 301
Gracias de antemano.
i-MSCP 1.1.18
Build: 20141122
OS: Wheezy
Plugin: Opendkim; SpamAssassin