Posts by victor531

    Ok, but a little question
    Should I stop all the services, panel and deactivate the plugins before the upgrade?

    I´ve upgrade from 1.2.2 to 1.4.6 without any problem or fail and very, very fast ;)
    Only the Filezilla issue :S


    Hi Nuxwin, sorry for the delay

    My server info

    Mysql 5.5.55-0+deb8u1 --> PHP MySQLi

    root@vps-orion:/# cat /etc/imscp/mysql/
    SQLD_CONF_DIR = /etc/mysql
    SQLD_SOCK_DIR = /var/run/mysqld
    SQLD_USER = mysql
    SQLD_GROUP = mysql



    I´m tryng to install SpamAssassin but I get this error when I try to activate it trough the panel

    Quote from victor531

    Plugin::SpamAssassin::_setupDatabase: Couldn't create SQL user for SpamAssassin: Invalid version format (version required) at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/Servers/sqld/ line 209, <$fh> line 12.Forzar reintentoCerrar

    S.O. Jessie
    Imscp: 1.4.6
    Plugins: Opendkim
    Mode: Fcgi

    Thanks in advance


    Resolved :D

    After reinstall (twice), check all the config files possible, uninstall the firewall and stop fail2 ban and whit this thread FTP very slow
    and Changing the DNS to

    • nameserver
    • nameserver

    Everything is OK

    But I never found WHY :(

    I hope it does not repeat, ... ever ?(

    Excellent job Nuxwin :thumbsup:

    Please close this thread.


    Talking with my VPS provider he told me that the VPS is conected directly to internet with his IP and it has no filter.

    Also I just unistalled the Shorewall firewall and nothing has changed, it is exactly the same

    Thanks for your help



    Today I've upgrade the panel to 1.4.6 , all went fine but when I try to access the filesysten trough filezilla it doesn´t show anything

    I´ve tryed whit this thread
    And also changng to vsftpd and nothing

    Please any help is appreciated

    - VPS
    - IMSCP: 1.4.6
    - Distribution: Debian 8.8
    - Systemd
    - Proftpd (mod passive)
    - Mysql
    My logs

    With Pydio no problem

    Thanks in advance


    Hi guys
    I have a little VPS with:
    SO: Wheezy
    I-mscp 1.2.2
    Mod FCGI
    Plugins: Panel redirect - Opendkim - SpamAssassin
    Tools: PhpPgAdmin, Adminer
    DDBB: PostgreSql 9.1
    Active Domain: 13

    What I want to do:
    Upgrade OS to Jessie with Systemd
    Upgrade PHP to 7.0
    Upgrade panel to the latest version
    Keept FCGI mode (or is convenient FPM ot ITK?)
    Activate a second DNS
    Install LetsEncript plugin for the panel and four domain

    My questions

    Should I upgrade the panel or OS first?
    To activate the second DNS, should I do it while upgrade the panel or after that?
    This how to configure the second DNS is right? (…meserver-Howto/#post42006)

    To upgrade the panel I must:

    1.- Deactivate an delete all the active plugins
    2.- Stop Mysql service
    3.- stop imscp_panel
    4.- stop ftp service

    Should I do this?

    • Code
      1. # service apache2 stop# pkill -KILL -f apache2# apt-get --assume-yes --auto-remove purge apache2*# rm -f /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ rm -rf /etc/apache2 /usr/lib/apache2 /var/lib/apache2

      and this?

    • Code
      1. # umount -l /var/www/virtual
      2. # umount -l /var/www
      3. # mount -a

    Is this right?, ... any other advice to jump to 1.2.2 to 1.4.3?

    Thanks in advance
