Posts by DZII
Installer detected 16.04 but is failing on mysql
Yes I can confirm did some testing with my setup it is fixed
2 commands done you want me to try to add a customer again after that or just to be able to log back into panel ? Debug is also set now
check your pm i will give you access to panel just try to add a customer under the reseller in there but as soon as you get this message
Unable to handle uncaught exception thrown in file /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Database.php at line 159 with message: The Database connection default doesn't exist.
I have been having to restart server just to be able to log back into panel
I have access to panel a Reseller is added but when i go to add a Customer for a domain that is when i get that message
i can show you via team viewer
i am using Ubuntu 14.04 with I-mscp -1.2.15
MySQL 5.5
I change my.cnf to then restart server
when trying to create a Hosting Customer in imscp i get
Unable to handle uncaught exception thrown in file /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Database.php at line 159 with message: The Database connection default doesn't exist. -
well for an external app / program to access mysql need to be set in the config correct ?
With 1.2.15 im not able to allow app /program to access a database Before i was able to change to in mysql/my.cnf and then add user with ip in phpmyadmin and app / program would be able to access the db but with new version that is not working ?
Any updates on being able to increase limts right in i-mscp admin settings for per site php.ini files? and should the max upload file size in import section of phpmyadmin get its limt from the master or should it be getting it from the sites own php.ini file ?