Posts by MichaelSchinzel

    A wish from us.

    Can you pleas add a button "Make Cronjobs Available for all Customers" this would be perfect, then its not needed to add each customer by hand.

    When you install ClamAV as Plugin, one more feature would be nice:

    Actually we use for Virus Scan of our Webservers a Bash Script which was written by my person:…utz-debian-ubuntu-server/

    At this you only add a Cronjob to crontab -e which start this script one time a day. It Scans the Mail directory and the /var/www/virtual directory for Viruses, Hacked Websites, ... and after this it sends an E-Mail with the SCAN Log to our Support. Then the Support can check the problems to fix it. This Script would be perfect to extend the ClamAV Plugin.

    1 more point in configuration menu -> ClamAV and in this point the options:

    Scan Web Folders of customers -> Yes/No
    Delet founded Viruses -> Yes/No
    Scan Mail Folders of customers -> Yes/No
    Delet founded Viruses -> Yes/No
    Send information about founded Viruses to administrator E-Mail -> Yes/No
    At what time should the Scan starts -> Every day at ... o'Clock

    This configuration you can extend with more and more configuration features :) Such a Plugin has no other Webspace Management Tool and this is nice because how much old Joomla or Wordpress Websites are hacked in the past and sends SPAM E-Mails... Or are hacked to infiltrate other Website Users. We found in the past with our ClamAV Scan Script much customers which had viruses on their websites. Think on it :)

    Good Morning,

    there is a problem with Roundcube when you reconfigure the I-MSCP Login Address Hostname, the Roundcube users lose their Calendar and Roundcube configuration.

    For example, when you change to

    In the Roundcube Database imscp_roundcube/users the Roundcube Webmailer Adds the Users with the mail_host information So when the Domainname of the I-MSCP Panel will be changed, roundcube dont know anythink about the old Users and adds new Users with (the new address).

    So when the customers Uses the Calendar function of roundcube or the address books, the login and Roundcube generats an new user with new user_id and all informations are gone away.

    The solution for this would be, when the Domainname of I-MSCP Panel changes to change the mail_host entry in roundcube users database, then the information will not lost after this change.

    We have fixed this by hand but it is some work or SQL Knowlage needed to do this :)

    We have also some old Webservers like yours. This is a big problem, we tried to Upgrade them to I-MSCP but the way to do this is very difficult and with many database corrections and problems aligned. So best case is to transfer the customers by hand to a stable I-MSCP Installation. The biggest problem are the E-Mail Account passwords because Customers dont like it, when the password of the email account changes.

    For this we have Use an PHP Script which give you the Login passwords of the ISPCP E-Mail Accounts that you can transfer the customers with the same E-Mail password:

    1. #!/usr/bin/php -q<?php$SQLHST = "localhost";$SQLUSR = "root";$ISPCPDB = "ispcp";error_reporting(0);echo "MySQL password for $SQLUSR@$SQLHST: ";system('stty -echo');$SQLPW = trim(fgets(STDIN));system('stty echo');$QUERY = "SELECT `mail_users`.mail_acc,`mail_users`.mail_pass,`domain`.domain_name FROM `domain` INNER JOIN `mail_users` ON (`mail_users`.domain_id = `domain`.domain_id) WHERE `mail_type` LIKE 'normal_mail' OR `mail_type` LIKE 'normal_mail,normal_forward'";require '/var/www/ispcp/gui/include/ispcp-lib.php';$link = mysql_connect( $SQLHST, $SQLUSR, $SQLPW);if (!$link) { die('keine Verbindung moeglich: ' . mysql_error());}mysql_select_db( $ISPCPDB, $link) or die('Could not select database.');$result = mysql_query($QUERY);if (!$result) { die('Ungueltige Abfrage: ' . mysql_error());}$FORMAT = "Domain MailAdr: [ %s@%s ] Passwort: [ %s ]\n";while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { printf ( $FORMAT, $row[0], $row[2], decrypt_db_password ($row[1]));}printf ("\n");mysql_close($link);$QUERY = "SELECT `mail_users`.mail_acc,`mail_users`.mail_pass,`domain_aliasses`.alias_name FROM `domain_aliasses` INNER JOIN `mail_users` ON (`mail_users`.sub_id = `domain_aliasses`.alias_id) WHERE `mail_type` LIKE 'alias_mail' OR `mail_type` LIKE 'alias_mail,alias_forward'";$link = mysql_connect( $SQLHST, $SQLUSR, $SQLPW);if (!$link) { die('keine Verbindung moeglich: ' . mysql_error());}mysql_select_db( $ISPCPDB, $link) or die('Could not select database.');$result = mysql_query($QUERY);if (!$result) { die('Ungueltige Abfrage: ' . mysql_error());}$FORMAT = "Aliasdomain MailAdr: [ %s@%s ] Passwort: [ %s ]\n";while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { printf ( $FORMAT, $row[0], $row[2], decrypt_db_password ($row[1]));}printf ("\n");mysql_close($link);

    So you can transfer the customer by Hand and with their own passwords. After you got the passwords from your customers E-Mail Adresses, you can add this new to the new added I-MSCP Account.You can transfer the E-Mails of the customers for Example with imapsync:

    Copies Folders:

    1. imapsync --noauthmd5 --host1 <Quell_Host> --user1 <alter_benutzername> --password1 <passwort> --host2 <Ziell_Host> --user2 <neuer_benutzername> --password2 <passwort> --justfolders

    Copies E-Mails to the Folders:

    1. imapsync --noauthmd5 --host1 <Quell_Host> --user1 <alter_benutzername> --password1 <passwort> --host2 <Ziell_Host> --user2 <neuer_benutzername> --password2 <passwort>

    Imapsync is not available as debian package, so you must only downlaod it from , change the command line to the folder imapsync and start the commands :)

    With rsync you can transfer the Files of the Webspaces for example:

    1. rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 222' --progress htdocs/ root@<NEWSERVER>:/var/www/virtual/<DOMAINNAME>/htdocs

    After this you must the the user Permissions new.

    When you are a good Linux administrator and fast on linux shell, you can transfer a customer with some email adresses in about 5-10 minutes. So to transfer the 60 Customers you must calculate 5 Houres. Step by step. When you like your customers, you can make appointment with each customer for the transfer of the Webspace Account to the new server. You can bait them with new Features like PHP Switchter, Spamassassin, ... The check the needed time you can also first transfer only the customers which have no Database or only the customers which have no E-Mail Adresses.... But this is your part :)


    You're a dev from the IP project??? I ask this because I've just received a mail from the plugin sponsor which said exactly the same thing :)

    Sry for the late answer, yes now you know it ;)

    One more think. A Customer ask for Mailinglists for Domain Aliases. Is it possible to provide also Mailinglists for Alias Domains?