Posts by Athar

    Even if this is quite "dead here", I'm still part of the moderation team here, and untill it's stated that this project is dead and the forum would be closed, I'll still sneak in to kick the spammers :D

    And as a bonus, if I can help the "few" last users still arround, I will :)

    Hey there :)

    I can confirm the behavior, but your statement isn't accurate I think :)

    Without getting too much into it, I think your issue reside in the fact that you reactivate it in the 24hrs "blackout time" following the previous automatic message.

    Every couple of sender/receiver is logged, and is, by default, kept for 24hrs (I think).
    So if you get the reply, disable then re-enable this feature : using the same sender will not get the new notification :)

    You can see those in the "autoreplies_log" table.

    If you delete the "couple" sender/receiver, you should get the notification again (once).

    On my side, I'm gonna wait until end of march, if nothing pop here (a statement at least), I think that will be a necessity by then.

    Debian 10 LTS support ending on June 2024, that'll let me 3 months to get on something else (not Keyshit, don't like the way it's managed).

    One of it's last statement (from Nuxwin) was that he found a few people to work on this project, but as we didn't hear back anything about this, I'm pretty unsure where we are on this ATM :(

    Debian 11, risky with this panel as with the last version published was to support Deb9, with some little to no-changes, you could go to Deb10 (which I'm using, still with LTS support, that's why I'm still using it), but Debian 11, there might be some changes to get a full support.


    If by "Custom DNS", you mean the use of the "Add a custom DNS record" (https:// PANEL/client/dns_add.php), well, for me that I've both OpenDKIM and PHPSwitcher (and also Let'sEncrypt), I never experienced such an issue (and I changed a lot of time the PHP Version in use since the initial setup :)

    So I'm afraid that I'll not be able to help you on your issue.

    But, if you did modified some DNS listener file, this could be a bad implementation in those plugins, where the listener is not... listened (that's the only thing I can think of).

    I only did the upgrade from Debian 9 to 10, never fully reinstalled it.

    Now that some binary aren't available in the base repo of either "supported" distro, I would assume this to be quite difficult for a fresh install, but with some modification, this should be possible, need to be checked (you can try with a VM on your PC if you want).