Posts by Athar

    On my side, I'm gonna wait until end of march, if nothing pop here (a statement at least), I think that will be a necessity by then.

    Debian 10 LTS support ending on June 2024, that'll let me 3 months to get on something else (not Keyshit, don't like the way it's managed).

    One of it's last statement (from Nuxwin) was that he found a few people to work on this project, but as we didn't hear back anything about this, I'm pretty unsure where we are on this ATM :(

    Debian 11, risky with this panel as with the last version published was to support Deb9, with some little to no-changes, you could go to Deb10 (which I'm using, still with LTS support, that's why I'm still using it), but Debian 11, there might be some changes to get a full support.


    If by "Custom DNS", you mean the use of the "Add a custom DNS record" (https:// PANEL/client/dns_add.php), well, for me that I've both OpenDKIM and PHPSwitcher (and also Let'sEncrypt), I never experienced such an issue (and I changed a lot of time the PHP Version in use since the initial setup :)

    So I'm afraid that I'll not be able to help you on your issue.

    But, if you did modified some DNS listener file, this could be a bad implementation in those plugins, where the listener is not... listened (that's the only thing I can think of).

    I only did the upgrade from Debian 9 to 10, never fully reinstalled it.

    Now that some binary aren't available in the base repo of either "supported" distro, I would assume this to be quite difficult for a fresh install, but with some modification, this should be possible, need to be checked (you can try with a VM on your PC if you want).

    You seems really mad... if you are not happy reitbrud , just leave with your rage.

    I've all the plugins you cited here, all still work flawlessly on my setup... (including latest versions of PHP).

    You switch over to another system ? nice for you, so why you keep posting there ?