Posts by Peter


    i have tried the Listener from… to adjust.

    It works the Disable Page is now my Customized Page.After perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    I have adapted the original (only the text)

    But i have the Problem. I get only the text displayed..

    Domain {DOMAIN_NAME_UNICODE} deaktiviert

    The domain name is not displayed. The standard box also not. Only Text ?(

    @Nuxwin Please be gracious. I am ready to learn.

    Edit: I have the Errorpage adapted (index.html + inc) at all defaults. All work but Domain_disable not

    I can as an admin a reseller

    PHP policy max_execution_time sec.
    PHP policy max_input_time sec.
    PHP directive memory_limit MiB
    PHP policy post_max_size MiB
    PHP policy upload_max_filesize MiB


    I can be a reseller on a domain

    PHP policy max_execution_time sec.
    PHP policy max_input_time sec.
    PHP directive memory_limit MiB
    PHP policy post_max_size MiB
    PHP policy upload_max_filesize MiB


    But i can not but as client the data:

    PHP policy max_execution_time sec.
    PHP policy max_input_time sec.
    PHP directive memory_limit MiB
    PHP policy post_max_size MiB
    PHP policy upload_max_filesize MiB

    edit ?

    Its that right so ?

    And I mean..: How can I set as a client Safe_mode or Register_Globals ON / OFF over the interface? Not at all ?Only about .htacess?

    OK thanks for the help. I found it.

    Deactivated functions: The blue marked are disabled. Correct ?

    The PHP policy values can only be edited by the reseller, not by the client itself via the admin area? Options yes, no?

    How does it look with safe_mode or Register_globals over the surface?

    Everything from the point of view of a client only possible by .htacess?

    OK thanks.

    Do you know if this is planned?

    Would be a good idea like this?

    Backup Automatic: Yes / No

    Backup intervall: 1 day, 1 week, 1 month

    Backup manually: Run now

    If you like the proposal so you can do it so yes. I would be glad. I think this is a good

    Edit: I post on youtrack :-)

    Is it possible to change the daily backup interval?

    Or even complete manual?

    The idea behind it: In an automatic backup every day, errors are also built in. Z.b I have a running script without error.

    Work there on it and after 2-3 days I can not think of anything working.

    If I had a backup that is 3 days old I could simply re-import it ..

    So I have of course the "broken backup" by the daily backup savedI hope you know how I mean that?

    What would be super that the Backupintervall possibly setting could be eg with Backup Daily:

    Yes / No Interval: Daily, 1 week, 1 month.Backup manually: PerformIs something like that in the planning or on your Todo list?

    Good morning @ all

    How can I change the PHP settings as a client?

    As a reseller I have found it and also Activated for the client but under:

    domains> Edit, I can not find anything with the client?

    I dont can find the Favicon vom Panel. Can everybody help me ?(

    I only find the Favicon under Theme>default but it dont work on the Panel only on Client / Domainpages ?

    Thanks for help