thanks for help
thanks for help
thanks for help. I have test again new. It is better. Thanks
What can i do for more better ?
For me as admin external no problem.
I mainly concerned for resellers / customers.
It would be more user friendly.
Everything beautiful on 1 surface at 1 click for backup with FTP + DB..
Is there any news about my backup request? Will something come or rather not?
I have set (external) a Record with *server1 to IP (server1.domainname.de) on external Domaininterface.
The E-Mailadress is the Domainname from the FQDN (domainname.de)
The Paneladress is server1.domainname.de
Mean you that ?
i have the opendkim and SPF Plugin here from Page installed. When i check with activate SPF Plugin new on mail-check i have only 2,1 Points from 10 at mailcheck ?
Have you a Tutorial for me @SPF and Opendkim who work with i-mscp ?
Have you the Plugins (Opendkim and SPF) installed by your i-mscp ?
Must i do configure ? Or only installed ?
Please do a test maybe here: mail-tester.com/
This result give maybe an error.
thanks for help..
SpamAssassin sieht bei Ihnen Verbesserungspotential
Der bekannte Spamfilter SpamAssassin. Ergebnis: -2.
Ein Ergebnis unter -5 wird als Spam eingestuft.
-1.985 PYZOR_CHECK Similar message reported on Pyzor (http://pyzor.org)
Testen Sie einen echten Inhalt, Test Newsletter wird immer von Pyzor gekennzeichnet werden
Ihre Nachricht oder Anfrage weißen Listen einstellen (http://public.pyzor.org/whitelist/) 0.01 T_RP_MATCHES_RCVD Envelope sender domain matches handover relay domain
[SPF] ihredomain.de gestattet Ihrem Server "IP" nicht, info@ihredomain.de zu nutzen
[Sender ID] ihredomain.de gestattet Ihrem Server "IP" nicht, info@ihredomain.de zu nutzen
Ihre Nachricht ist nicht durch DKIM signiert
Sie haben keinen DMARC Rekord
Ihr Server "IP" ist erfolgreich mit server1.ihredomain.de verknüpft
Ihr Domainname ihredomain.de wird zu einem Mail-Server zugewiesen.
Ihr Hostname server1.domain.de ist einem Server zugewiesen.
SpamAssassin sees improvement potential for you
The well-known spam filter SpamAssassin. Result: -2.
A result below -5 is classified as spam.
-1.985 PYZOR_CHECK Similar message reported on Pyzor (http://pyzor.org)
Test a real content, test newsletter will always be marked by Pyzor
Set your message or request to whitelist (http://public.pyzor.org/whitelist/) 0.01 T_RP_MATCHES_RCVD Envelope sender domain matches handover relay domain
[SPF] Yourdomain.com does not allow your server "IP" to use info@yourdomain.com
[Sender ID] Yourdomain.com does not allow your server "IP" to use info@yourdomain.com
Your message is not signed by DKIM
You do not have a DMARC record
Your server "IP" is successfully linked to server1.yourdomain.com
Your domainname yourdomain.com is assigned to a mail server.
Your hostname server1.domain.de is assigned to a server.
This hotel is located in the city center.
I have installed the current version. A reverse DNS entry exists. The default seetings i have not changed.All my send E-Mails land in the Spam Folder. IP is not Blacklisted.Have everybody the same Problem
Why i can not show the Domainame with {DOMAIN_NAME_UNICODE} for the Domainname on the Domain_Disable Page ?
But by the new Domain / Client work it with {DOMAIN_NAME_UNICODE}
it is a PHP / MySQL Switcher for Reseller / Client planned ?
Or is this possibiliy at moment ?
The Idea: Client1 will use php 4 and mysql 4.5 and Client2 will use php 5 and my sql 5.7.
Reason about specific script requirements