Posts by fulltilt

    1. use <IMSCP_DBNAME>;
    2. ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database '<IMSCP_DBNAME>'
    3. show tables;
    4. ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected

    thank you for reply!

    as stated above this is a migration from a ispcp installation many years ago, the database is still named ispcp ... maybe something has been hardcodedfor the variable of IMSCP_DBNAME in latest build ...

    I have tested in a Vbox because this is our company main server but everything with the same setup, confs and packages.

    ok, it seems there is a bug in latest imscp build, I have tried a migration into a VM (vbox) today to check for reasons by the upgrade issue as above ...

    - first I have installed the same system and afterwards I have tried to do a migration as hundred times before ... the migration or upgrade process fails with following error:

    I have tried w/ both comands:

    1. perl imscp-autoinstall -d
    2. perl imscp-autoinstall --debug --reconfigure

    I have unmasked the service now ... right way and did I missed something?

    i-MSCP 1.5.3

    Build: 2018120800


    FTPD_SERVER = proftpd

    HTTPD_SERVER = apache_fcgid

    MTA_SERVER = postfix

    NAMED_SERVER = bind

    PHP_SERVER = php7.0

    PO_SERVER = courier

    SQL_SERVER = mariadb_10.1

    after the failed upgrade (could not change to dovecot and apache fpm) I was able to run the standrad upgrade process.

    but now my php7.0-fpm shows:

    1. service php7.0-fpm status
    2. ● php7.0-fpm.service
    3. Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad)
    4. Active: inactive (dead)

    and also a restart is no longer possible:

    1. service php7.0-fpm restart
    2. Failed to restart php7.0-fpm.service: Unit php7.0-fpm.service is masked.

    How can I solve these issues?

    I will do some testing soon, I guess it can improve performance for systems running as a KVM because of lower reaction delays between hostsystem and VPS especially (wakeup) network & read/write operations.

    I just wanted to know if there are any concerns about security and stability.

    imSCP 1.5.3

    Debian 9

    not sure if it's a bug or not ...

    after upgrading 1.5.3 to latest 1.5.3 (build 2018120800) everything went fine when I then wanted to change dovecot and php-fcid:

    perl imscp-autoinstall --debug --reconfigure

    1. following error has occurred:
    2. iMSCP::Stepper::_callback: DBD::mysql::db selectrow_hashref failed: No database selected at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.5.3-2018120800/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Dialog/ line 487.

    perl imscp-autoinstall -d worked after that, but it seems changing from courier to dovecot and/or php-fcgi to php-fpm produced this issue.