1.5.3 (2018120800) - Cannot switch between various servers - No database selected

  • imSCP 1.5.3

    Debian 9

    not sure if it's a bug or not ...

    after upgrading 1.5.3 to latest 1.5.3 (build 2018120800) everything went fine when I then wanted to change dovecot and php-fcid:

    perl imscp-autoinstall --debug --reconfigure

    1. following error has occurred:
    2. iMSCP::Stepper::_callback: DBD::mysql::db selectrow_hashref failed: No database selected at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.5.3-2018120800/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Dialog/InputValidation.pm line 487.

    perl imscp-autoinstall -d worked after that, but it seems changing from courier to dovecot and/or php-fcgi to php-fpm produced this issue.

  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label to be investigated
  • Nuxwin

    Changed the title of the thread from “upgrade issue when changing from courier to dovecot” to “1.5.3 (2018120800) - Cannot switch between various servers - No database selected”.
  • fulltilt

    This is a critical issue. Could you please report the issue on our bug tracker? Any bug should be reported on our bug tracker. It become really difficult to track them on our forums.

    Thank you.


  • i-MSCP 1.5.3

    Build: 2018120800


    FTPD_SERVER = proftpd

    HTTPD_SERVER = apache_fcgid

    MTA_SERVER = postfix

    NAMED_SERVER = bind

    PHP_SERVER = php7.0

    PO_SERVER = courier

    SQL_SERVER = mariadb_10.1

    after the failed upgrade (could not change to dovecot and apache fpm) I was able to run the standrad upgrade process.

    but now my php7.0-fpm shows:

    1. service php7.0-fpm status
    2. ● php7.0-fpm.service
    3. Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad)
    4. Active: inactive (dead)

    and also a restart is no longer possible:

    1. service php7.0-fpm restart
    2. Failed to restart php7.0-fpm.service: Unit php7.0-fpm.service is masked.

    How can I solve these issues?

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • I have unmasked the service now ... right way and did I missed something?

  • I cannot reproduce the issue.

    1. Switching from courier to dovecot (and vice-versa) OK
    2. switching Httpd server implementation from Fcgid to FPM (and vice-versa) OK
    3. Reconfiguring the whole and switching OK

    Regarding you last question, you MUST NOT process manually. More work is done by the installer, specially for the PHP binary copy (panel instance). If you play too much by closing your eyes, you'll break your server.


  • thanks for investigation!

    some more details:

    - I have switched from courier to dovecot & fcgid to fpm during one upgrade process.

    - my original database is named "ispcp" not imscp due to a prior migration.

    I will run a few upgrades w7 same database for testing in a VB soon & give you an update on this.

  • thanks for investigation!

    some more details:

    - I have switched from courier to dovecot & fcgid to fpm during one upgrade process.

    - my original database is named "ispcp" not imscp due to a prior migration.

    I will run a few upgrades w7 same database for testing in a VB soon & give you an update on this.


    I'll leave this open, I was wondering if you had any news on this?

  • ok, it seems there is a bug in latest imscp build, I have tried a migration into a VM (vbox) today to check for reasons by the upgrade issue as above ...

    - first I have installed the same system and afterwards I have tried to do a migration as hundred times before ... the migration or upgrade process fails with following error:

    I have tried w/ both comands:

    1. perl imscp-autoinstall -d
    2. perl imscp-autoinstall --debug --reconfigure
  • fulltilt

    That not the same error as shown in your first post... That error look strange too me.

    Please show me the DATABASE_NAME parameter value of your /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file.

    also run as root user:

    1. # mysql
    2. > use <IMSCP_DBNAME>;
    3. > show tables;

    where <IMSCP_DBNAME> must be your i-MSCP db name. The, show me the result..
