Posts by technotravel

    I am using 2 separate installations of Nextcloud, i.e. 2 different users. For each user, I have adapted the respective pool configuration under /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/ to indicate the location of the data directory, among others.

    Tired of having to to rewrite the changes after each update, I have written a listener file with my data based on this example (and with the friendly help of batZen):

    and have placed it in /etc/imscp/listeners.d/

    However, this has had no effect, and the pool.conf still gets overwritten after each change. I have tried a restart of php5-fpm and apache2 services, didn't help either. Is it necessary to activate such a listener file in some particular way?

    I am also wondering about the listener file itself - since it is based on domains. The pool configuration file on the other hand is based on users.

    Any help and insight would be much appreciated!

    YES !!!! It worked!

    So the truncate must come before the PW change - good to know.

    Now if I knew how this password has changed ... but nevermind :-)

    Thx a lot, Nuxwin, you nightowl ;-)


    Edit: no, it didn't work. It actually just reloaded the client I had logged in before :-( and in my enthusiasm I didn't realise that immediately.

    Another suggestion?


    my password has mysteriously changed and I can't log in as admin anymore :-S

    I have tried the mysql method mentioned above and changed the admin password to a md5 value (which I had generated here), it all went through without errors. However, I still can't log in - not with the chosen PW nor with its md5 value.

    I can still log in as one of the users, but not as admin anymore.

    This is strange, I am almost 100% sure I didn't change the PW.

    BTW, the password recovery didn't work and I never received a mail.

    What else can I try to regain admin access to my installation?

    Thanks for some leads ...

    The z-push looks definitely interesting! And if it can be deployed with i-mscp, it would certainly be something very useful, in particular if users can register and maintain their own levels of implementation.

    This will not be the case for Baikal, at least not in its current state of development. Only one admin, who can add address-books and calendars to users which he has to create first. I have finally managed to get Baikal working - after many unsuccessful attempts to tweak the database, the htaccess files or other settings, I decided to try the latest beta (0.3.5) and this one worked right out of the box!

    I will now have to test for a while the practice of this setup, but if all works as should, the solution is good for me. I like the self-contained structure of Baikal with the sqlite database - everything is in one place (which is *not* Google) and easy to backup. For mail, IMAP is fine for me on computers and phone, and I never felt disturbing delays for contacts or calendar sync on my Android. So at this stage not really a burning need for z-push.

    However, it would be nice to get the *dav joy extended to the Roundcube address-books, too. So I am very interested in your experiences with carddav plugin for Roundcube, and I hope you will let us know soon that it actually works! And then gets integrated into the RoundcubePlugin plugin ... :D

    Hey flames,

    my turn to thank you for your links, they look interesting.

    If you would like to save time and test my Baikal installation, I could send you the credentials. It seems to be set up correctly, I can create users, addressbooks, calendars. Just the clients (Android, Thunderbird) can't connect to it.

    Hi flames,

    I can't speak for the threadopener - but what concerns me, I would just like to see the address books of the roundcube mail-accounts populated through CardDav as client. There is actually a plugin for that, and in my understanding it is free. Since there is a plugin for roundcube-plugins in i-mscp, I think it would make sense to have it in there as well. At least I understood it would be (from the course of this thread) and was surprised it isn't.

    Concerning the *dav-servers, I would be excited to see that in i-mscp. I am just testing this, with mixed results. I have installed Baikal, but can't really get it to work with my mobile phone or Thunderbird. OwnCloud (running on the same server) on the other hand works very well as *dav-server for contacts and calendars,but I would rather use the small and dedicated function of Baikal for this functionality.

    If you know of a tut for Baikal in the i-mscp environment, I would happy to hear about it - couldn't find anything on this.

    Sorry to revive this old thread, but my search didn't bring me any other results.

    If I understood correctly, CardDAV in Roundcube should be supported by the Plugin. I have installed and activated it, but can't find any support for CardDAV (sync of contacts). Does this have to be activated in the conf, and if so, where and how exactly? CalDAV for the calendars is indeed there.

    If this has been explained somewhere before, I would be grateful for a link in this case.


    Hey BatZen,

    vielen Dank - das mit den cronjobs hat geklappt! Weisst du, wo genau die crons für Nutzer abgespeichert werden? Irgendwo unter /etc/?

    Den /dev/urandom hatte ich mir schon in die globale open_basedir gesetzt (da kann von mir aus jeder drauf), und das hat auch die entsprechenden Warnmeldungen in OC beseitigt. Sehe ich das richtig, dass das Trennzeichen in dieser open_basedir Liste ein Doppelpunkt ist (also /dev/urandom:/pfad/zum/data/folder)? Das hat dann nämlich leider nicht mehr funktioniert :-(

    Welche php.ini hast du denn bearbeitet, um die open_basedir nutzerweise zu verändern?

    Wäre schon schön, wenn man das vom Panel aus regeln und damit auch über Änderungen hinweg beibehalten könnte.