Posts by Heart1010


    set up a new debian 7.5 mininmal server, installed i-MSCP (1.1.11), everything was ok/succesfull but although I set the admin url to admin.vsrv***** in the setup process I can't reach it with that url.

    1. $ ping admin.vsrv*****
    2. ping: unknown host admin.vsrv*****

    When I go to vsrv***** it's ok, here I get the i-MSCP admin login.

    So did I something wrong or why admin.vsrv***** don't work?



    I'm comming from ispcp and the migration to i-mscp were succcessful. Now I have the folling things which are not working:

    1) After I login as admin (which is slow... I think because of ->) I get the following message at top "Unable to get update info from Github"

    2) When I try to login to the webmail I get "Verbindung zum Speicherserver fehlgeschlagen." (german)

    3) When I go to databases and click on "phpmyadmin" right to a database a new window opens, loading... loading... and then I see the i-mscp database page again with this error "An error occurred during authentication." (when I click left at the "PhpMyAdmin" general link I can login with any database credential, so only the click directly beside a database don't work.

    That's all for now ;)


    ich habe mein ispcp 1.0.7 erfolgreich nach migrieren können, beim letzten Schritt

    # perl imscp-setup -d

    bricht er bei 62% ab mit dem Text

    1. Error while performing step:Addons pre-installationError was:iMSCP::Addons::ComposerInstaller::_installPackages: Could not open input file:/var/cache/imscp/addons/composer.phariMSCP::HooksManager::trigger: A hook function registered on the'afterSetupPreInstallAddons' hook and triggered in main::setupPreInstallAddonshas failed.Hook function code was:sub { package iMSCP::Addons::ComposerInstaller; use warnings; use strict 'refs'; 'iMSCP::Dialog'->factory->endGauge; $self->_installPackages; }iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code: 1


    update: Ok, ich komme überhaupt nicht mehr raus... ein ping zu google scheitert schon

    1. # ping
    2. ping: unknown host

    Ticket beim Hoster erstellt....