i-MSCP not reachable with admin.* url?

  • Hi,

    set up a new debian 7.5 mininmal server, installed i-MSCP (1.1.11), everything was ok/succesfull but although I set the admin url to admin.vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de in the setup process I can't reach it with that url.

    1. $ ping admin.vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de/
    2. ping: unknown host admin.vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de/

    When I go to vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de it's ok, here I get the i-MSCP admin login.

    So did I something wrong or why admin.vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de don't work?


  • for: admin.vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de
    is no dns record set.
    vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de is set from your hoster and normaly you can´t set further dns-records to this.

    you can re-run the setup and set the admin-panel to the server-ip or to vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de

  • Ok... on my old server I also made some "test accounts" which didn't have a tld.
    Example: My Server was a**d**.vlinux.de and in the old ispcp I could add a new user/domain with test1.a**d**.vlinux.de as domain.

    Such approach (with subdomains as domains in i-MSCP) I can't do anymore, correct? Is this a restriction regarding this new server/longer domain I have on this server or a restriction with i-MSCP? (or is it still possible?)


  • is there a wildcard record for vsrv*****.customer.vlinux.de or customer.vlinux.de in the dns of vlinux.de ?
    maybe this could rsolve the problem. ;)

  • vlinux.de is not in my hand... this is from the hoster where I bought the vServer.
    So you mean I should ask them for such a wildcard record?

    I'm wondering how ISPCP on the old server managed these "subdomains as domains" things. I can access this old server, can you give me a hint where these settings for that could be placed so I can "merge" them to the new server?