Posts by Heart1010

    This could be a SPF (Sender Policy Framework) problem. When you use a SPF enabled domain to send to your server and your server forwards this to gmail, gmail may just silently drop that mail. There will be no error message from the server and you will not have it in your Spam folder.

    I really hate the whole SPF concept as it has many design flaws and introduces a lot of problems, but unfortunately many of the big providers use it.

    As SPF breaks SMTP forwarding, you need to implement SRS. The only way I could get it running was using postsrsd (

    You are absolutly right!!!

    I changed the forwared email adress to a non gmail adress and voilà the email was sent correct to both mail adresses....

    @MuhKuh I have to compile postsrsd like github readme shows in order to get this working with i-mscp?

    Anyway, your logs show us that the forwarded mail has been sent correctly to gmail server. Thus, I presumes that either the mail has been rejected (I cannot say because you do not have posted further logs), either it has been pushed in the spam folder... I cannot give you more reasons without performing some test directly on your server.

    Yes, my log looks good... but I don't get this forwarded mail (checked gmail spam folder too of course).

    I can pm you my TV ID/PW if you like!?

    ...happened again on my upgrade from 1.1.13 to 1.1.14

    Here are lines from mail.log


    I've set a new mail adress and choosed "normal + forward" and also wrote a forward mail address at bottom.

    Now when I sent an email to that new address I get this email in roundcube instantly but I don't get this test mail sent to the forward mail address?!

    The says:

    I did another test and added one more forward email address to that mail address (so I have one extern mail address to gmail and the other is a mail address from another domain I manage on my imscp server).
    -> The test mail to is sent to that address and also to that other forward address from my server but again NOT to the gmail address. (so the maildrop(s) internally are working but not the forward to that extern domain/mail).