Posts by joximu

    Hi - thelog entries are "deprecated warnings" - often about "ereg_replace". You can disable them in the settings (to prevent a log overflow :-)

    With newer php versions (6.0?) the now deprecated functions will be removed or changed definitly...


    God: when I see

    1. int = -2*1024*1024*1024 .. +2*1024*1024*1024, so -2G ..+2G
    2. or in decimal: -2*10^9 .. +2*10^9

    I think really that I must return at school.

    no need for school - you are member in the i-mscp forum :D

    Good idea killburn

    but wrong math afterwards... :-)

    int = -2*1024*1024*1024 .. +2*1024*1024*1024, so -2G ..+2G
    or in decimal: -2*10^9 .. +2*10^9

    with MB (= 10^6B) instead of B it's from -2 * 10^15 .. +2*10^15 which is -2Petabyte .. +2Petabyte

    and with unsigned it's 0 .. 4Petabytes.... - which should be enough for mails... :-)


    PS: we do not speak about mysql bigint... this would be toooo much...

    a creative solution... :-) maybe it's enough to set Megabytes instead of Bytes - so

    1. CONCAT('*:bytes=', `quota` * 1024*1024, 'B') AS 'userdb_quota_rule'

    is maybe ok... the limit then is 2 PetaBytes... - or 4PB if you change to unsigned INT

    Default - my opinion:
    Default limit should be configurable via hostingplan...

    The POP users do not need more than some hundrets of MB, the IMAP people often need >10GB...


    Seems that the table definition

    `quota` int(10) default '10485760',

    makes a signed INT type going from -2G till +2G

    changing to unsigned will lift the limit to 4GB but I think it rather should be an unsigned BIGINT - so we can set till 18446744073709551615 Bytes...
    = 18446744TB = around 18 Exa Bytes... ???
    (should be enough... :-)


    this font has only capital letters - but in different sizes depending on the state of the real letter. So you'll never see an i with a dot...
