Install Error

  • I Have an Clean min Debian 8.1 System.

    I Have Change the Hostname Like this:

    echo '' > /etc/hostname
    hostname -F /etc/hostname

    Then I have Install the i-MSCP
    I have set in Install FQDN

    On End i become an error:

    Who is that Problem?


  • Try this:
    hostname -f

    Your Hostname should probably be sv01. Change your /etc/hosts according to the following man entry:

  • Is your hostname correct?
    cat /etc/hostname

  • I have found the Problem because on Install Wiki he must Change it like this:

    echo 'host.domain.tld' > /etc/hostname
    hostname -F /etc/hostname

    when i have it so set i have become the Error

    Know when I Change it like this:

    nano /etc/Hosts localhost.localdomain localhost host.domain.tld host

    nano /etc/hostname


    reboot Server

    Thene Check

    hostname -f

    And whit this I have no Errors

    When Admin say it is so ok I was Happy to Change it in this Wiki.

    Sry for my Bad English I hope you understand me.


  • Never had such problems and you're the first one I know who needed to change the hosts file o.O You can add a note in wiki, if you want, that some customers also need to edit the hosts-file.

    PS: A reboot is definitely not needed here :D

  • The wiki also says that your FQHN must resolve the server's IP address. That's what you do when editing /etc/hosts because it is queried before your DNS Resolver.

    IMHO the current wiki instrucions seem to be a little misleading. A paragraph that tells how to edit /etc/hosts should be added.

  • @f4Nm1Z9k2P

    You're welcome ;)
