env[TMPDIR] bei Alias-Domain

  • Hi,

    ich habe unter i-mscp 1.2.5 eine Aliasdomain angelegt. Wenn ich mir das Config File unter /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d anschaue, so scheint die Variable env[TMPDIR] falsch gesetzt zu sein.

    env[TMPDIR] = /var/www/virtual/orig.domain.tld/alias.domain.tld/phptmp

    Der Pfad zum TMP-Dir stimmt dann nicht (weil nicht vorhanden) und Uploads z.B. unter Wordpress funktionieren dann nicht.

    Bug oder Feature?

    Gruß K.H.

    -- formerly known as knut --
    ensim -> confixx -> vhcs -> ispcp -> kloxo -> easyscp -> ispconfig 3 -> i-mscp -> ispconfig 3.1

  • Du verwendest aber auch die fpm- Implementierung, richtig? Ich konnte keine solche Probleme feststellen, werde es heute aber mal checken. Evt. eröffnest ein Ticket :)

  • Hello ;

    Could you try in English? I don't understand the part about WP ;)

    BTW: For me, this is the expected behavior.


  • @Nuxwin he meant that the upload in wp don't work because of that issue.
    Are you using per_user, per_domain or per_site configuration? Think there's the problem..

  • Hello ;

    Could you try in English? I don't understand the part about WP ;)

    The part with WP was just an example. No proper TMP directory, no upload :/

    @Ninos: Wäre prima wenn Du es nachvollziehen könntest. Alternative für php-fpm?

    Gruß K. H.

    -- formerly known as knut --
    ensim -> confixx -> vhcs -> ispcp -> kloxo -> easyscp -> ispconfig 3 -> i-mscp -> ispconfig 3.1

  • @Ninos

    Which issue?


  • @KH2015

    Why you say that this is not the correct TMP directory? What is the proper directory for you?


  • @Nuxwin due the tmp-dir.
    @KH2015 please tell us the php-configuration, have you selected per_site, per_domain or per_user in Installation..?

  • @Ninos

    He surely selected per_site or per_domain because otherwise the TMPDIR path should be another.

    Relevant code is:


    How did you upload exactly? Through which interface in wp? For the record, I've just tested to upload media through WP dashboard and all is ok:


    BTW: Why uploading, the tmp file is well created in the expected directory:

    1. root@jessie:/var/www/virtual/other.tld/alias.tld# ls phptmp/phpjV4EHD

    My full pool configuration file, as generated by i-MSCP is:


  • @KH2015 please tell us the php-configuration, have you selected per_site, per_domain or per_user in Installation..?

    @Ninos: How do I know that? :S

    Nuxwin: when I create the alias in i-MSCP, no directory /var/www/virtual/orig.domain.tld/alias.domain.tld/phptmp is created: :/

    -- formerly known as knut --
    ensim -> confixx -> vhcs -> ispcp -> kloxo -> easyscp -> ispconfig 3 -> i-mscp -> ispconfig 3.1