upgrade 1.2.3 failed on postfix.

  • Hello
    I try up upgrade from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 and disabled all plugin.
    It's update will stop follow point.


    [ERROR] iMSCP::Stepper::step: Could not restart the postfix service: An unexpected error occurred at /root/imscp-1.2.3/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Service.pm line 237.

    autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occurred while performing installation steps

    I enter three times OK.
    It's will quit upgrade action.What's is this problem?

  • Did you perform the following as stated in the errata?


    You must stop all i-MSCP services manually before updating, else, some of them will be unable to restart at the end of process.
    You can stop the i-MSCP services as follow:
    # service imscp_panel stop
    # service imscp_daemon stop
    # service imscp_network stop

  • @akong777

    Hello ;

    Here the problem is related to postfix. Services are restarted at the very end of the update process. Try to restart postfix manually:

    1. # service postfix restart

    You could also try to run the i-MSCP installer again.

    BTW: When you're reporting a bug, provide us more information about your environmenet: Distro, Codename...
