Upgrade from 1.1.22 to 1.2.3

  • Hi all

    I cant updrade to version 1.2.3
    The 1.1.22 is end of life.

    I get errors somthing hooksmanager.........

    Mu system runs Debian Linux 7 minimal install

    I cant fint a selotion here on this forum.

    Hope you can help :)

  • Hi,

    Did you check the errdata file before updating?
    There are some changes in how listeners (formerly hooks) are implemented, one of them is phased out with the last phase being this release.
    Please check the errdata, you will see that it says that you have to check your listeners (/etc/imscp/hooks.d and /etc/imscp/listeners.d) and change some small things.
    Also you need to move the files from hooks.d to listeners.d, which is part of an earlier errdata.

    If you need more help, please upload your listener files and we can have a look at it.

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  • @m4rv1n

    Do you want a ban?

    I've already deleted one of your post and you continue... Please create your own thread.


    Thread closed.
