Update 1.2.x to 1.2.3 is ok (language problem)

  • Quote

    Debian 8
    i-MSCP Version 1.2.3
    Apache FPM & Dovecot & mariadb 10.0

    I just upgraded my test server, used the 1.2.x version upgrade to the new version 1.2.3, my panel was in Spanish, but now in English,
    I am setting for changing the default language to Spanish(spain), tells me that It is in Spanish but appears in English.
    I see three Spaniards but none I change the language:


    Español (Argentina) - Spanish (Argentina) 1776 strings translated 2015-06-07 14:12
    Español (España) - Spanish (Spain) 1563 strings translated 2015-06-07 14:12
    Spanish 1 strings translated 2015-06-07 14:12

    Sorry my bad English


  • https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/i-MSCP/language/es/

    Spanish (es) has just been added and is not translated yet ;)

    You must use another language such as Español (Argentina)


  • @Piradoxlanieve

    You're right. I don't know what is wrong. I must investigate and fix...


  • Bug found.

    user_def_lang variable is wrong. eg:

    1. user_def_lang => 'Spanish (Argentina) ([url]http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/i-MSCP/language/es_AR/[/url])'

    This mean a new release in few hours... See the screen below.



  • Easy fix:

    Replace the full content of the following file:


    with the following content

    Once done do the following:

    • Restart the imscp_panel service
    • Rebuild language index in the admin / settings / Languages section
    • Set the language which you want in your profile page.


  • Code
    1. /var/www/mscp/gui/library/iMSCP/I18n/Parser/Gettext.php
    1. /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/I18n/Parser/Gettext.php

    on the route you forget the letter i.

    I empty with command(cat /dev/null > Gettext.php) the file and copy the code, reset imscp panel, press the button rebuild the index.
    Was changed by Argentina Spanish but have not succeeded, even restart the entire computer.
    I think I did well in his footsteps:
    Sorry my bad english :(

  • re;

    Do you have really do

    1. # service imscp_panel restart


    Else, teamviewer?
