install error

  • @Nuxwin

  • @Manuel

    Give me some minutes. I'll test with fresh Jessie.


  • @Manuel

    Jessie (fresh base installation )
    i-MSCP Git 1.2.x

    1. # apt-get update# apt-get install tasksel whiptail unzip# tasksel install standard# cd /usr/local/src# wget unzip cd imscp-1.2.x/# perl imscp-autoinstall -d


    1. Congratulations │ │ │ │ i-MSCP has been successfully installed/updated. │ │ │ │ Please connect to and login with your │ │ administrator account. │ │ │ │ Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.

    Then, I've also tried an update:

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    Result still:

    1. Congratulations │
    2. │ │
    3. │ i-MSCP has been successfully installed/updated. │
    4. │ │
    5. │ Please connect to and login with your │
    6. │ administrator account. │
    7. │ │
    8. │ Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.

    The questions here are:

    • Does your system is up-to-date (eg aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade)
    • Do you're sure to have used Git 1.2.x as show above?

    In any case, I can have a look at your server if you want. Send me your teamviewer IDS if you're interested.


  • @Manuel

    Also, what is the SQL server implementation that you've chosen? As I see, mariadb 5.5 is no longer available in Jessie (I must update the package file). Thus, if you've chosen mariadb, please, fallback to MySQL by doing:

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dr sql


  • I've the same error, i send you my teamviewer ids.

    Issues solved. Problem was due to old i-MSCP packages file for jessie which refered to mariadb through external repository and which provided a version too old than the one which is provided by debian.
    In order, I have to purge old mariadb package, then download latest imscp github with package file updated for jessie and do a new install.

  • kann mir bitte jemand bei der installation weiterhelfen...folgende fehlermeldung bekomme ich....

    Domaine vorhanden..

    teamviewer vorhanden


    can someone please help with the installation the following error message ... I get me ....

    Domaine available ..

    TeamViewer available



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  • Der Fehler sagt doch schon alles. Als hostname brauchst du eine Domain, keine IP..