PHP Editor not available for customer

  • Hello,

    I seem to have an issue with the PHP-Editor. I would like to adjust php-settings for a special customer. Thus I gave him the ability to see the "php-editor".

    Unfortunatelly there is no PHP-Editor for this customer. When I am logged in as the Reseller, and click "Details" the PHP-Editor shows up in green as enabled. But when I log in as the customer, the PHP-Editor is shown as Disabled - also there is no PHP-Editor in the Domains tab.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Best regards


  • Allright, after editing the domain settings for this customer as the reseller, the php-settings Link appears.

    But the settings only allow the choose from:

    Allow URL-fopen and Error settings.
    The functinality to allow phpinfo() and others are missing.

    Is there a way to bring these option up?

    Regards Pinky

  • Aragh, I hate myself.

    As Admin edit the reseller, edit the Settings of the PHP-Editor and enable everything. Then back to the customers of the reseller, edit the domain settings and enable it again here.

    Thats it. Difficult to understand by doing this the first time.

    Regards Pinky

    (this post can be deleted, if you want to)

  • This is called cascading permissions ---> admin --> reseller ---> customer
