Debian Jessie Release Date

  • Debian Jessie will be released at 25.04.2015

  • Jessie is now the new Stable release. Its official released :D


    When upgrading from Wheezy to Jessie, it is be a good idea to purge old packages before the first reboot. #releasingjessie #DebianJessie

  • @Ninos

    Could you patch the 1.2.x branch (INSTALL files) for recommended distro ( Jessie must be now the recommended distro ).



  • Upgrade to jessie and then rerun the autoinstaller :-)

    Which imscp-Version you're using? May you should wait for the 1.2.3 release (should be released this or next week).

  • 1.2.2 at the moment... you're right, waiting for 1.2.3 is a good idea (so jessie specific things are already present when running the autoinstaller...)