Panel dont start and dont see any error.

  • Hello, today try to install last versión 1.2.x from github, installing with out problems, but when i go to the panel i see this:

    An unexpected error occuredAn unexpected error occurred. Please contact your administrator.

    Ok, no problem, go to check logs.but i dont see nothing.

    i check imscp-autoinstall.log 0 problems, imscp-build.log, 0 problems, imscp-setup.log with 0 problems, check here.

    1. i-MSCP has been successfully installed/updated.Please connect to [url][/url] and login with your administrator account.Thank you for choosing i-MSCP.' 21 78[Thu Mar 5 20:06:52 2015] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: External command exited with value 0

    i check typical services, and the daemon is started.
    Mar 6 00:57:34 servidor imscp_daemon[2715]: i-MSCP daemon v1.2.2 started.

    But when i check php5-pfm i found the error, is this:

    1. [06-Mar-2015 01:23:32] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
    2. [06-Mar-2015 01:23:32] ERROR: No pool defined. at least one pool section must be specified in config file
    3. [06-Mar-2015 01:23:32] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
    4. [06-Mar-2015 01:23:32] ERROR: FPM initialization failed

    I dont find any pool define, in the cfg i see this:

    But this directory is empty, i think the installer fail on this, or is my error ??

    Any suggestion ?? Thank you in advanced.

    I am using debían whezzy update and the las versión from 1.2.x

  • Hello ;

    Please, enable debug mode in the /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file and show us the browser output.

    BTW: The panel is not run through PHP-FPM and therefore, no pool configuration file is created as long you don't add customer.


  • this error means, you have no domain with php enabled or no domains. php-fpm cries about missing at least one vhost with pool.
    create a domain and enable php in its settings.

  • Hello, i active debug info and it shows me the problem, is this:

    1. An unexpected error occuredAn exception has been thrown in file /var/www/imscp/gui/library/shared-functions.php at line 3232:
    2. PHP extension 'mcrypt' not loaded!

    Is this extensión necessary ??? i can't start php-pfm service

    Any help or suggestion??

    Thank you.

  • Re;


    1. # aptitude reinstall php5-mcrypt

    Once done, login in the panel at . Then create a new reseller and then a customer.

    BTW: Either you are a noobs either you must learn english because we clearly explained why you cannot start php-fpm...


  • Hello again, thanks for the help but dont solve the problem,the same error, the result:

    Sorry for my English, but i can read that i need create a reseller, client, domain, but i cant because i cant enter into the panel.

    Other times i can install the panel without any problem, but never this version.

    I need test more, thank you for the help.
