Wie geht es weiter ?

  • Hi Tango,

    I guess the reason for the removal of the timeline is due to the fact that the project will be discontinued as a fork of i.s.p-cp. The whole codebase is being rewritten as a completely new system, and that will take a bit longer then what you would have expected if this was only a fork.

    I'm sure one of the devs will write in here and correct me if I am wrong in this matter. But I can say that the devs are putting a lot of work and effort into this project.

    **Edit: And sorry for not writing in German, but my German skills have disappeared as I haven't used the language for the past 10 years.

  • Deutsch

    Ja aber es würde noch nicht schaden, wenn man dann das Community darüber informiert oder ?
    Mann kommt auf dumme Gedanken, das dieses Projekt den Bach runter geht.
    Oder gar eingestellt wird. Keine Informationen und wenig los in Foren, bringen Leute wie mich in Verlegenheit ;)

    English (google Translator :) )
    Yes but it would not hurt if one then the community informed about it?
    Man comes to silly ideas that this project is going down.
    Or is even set. No information and little going on in forums bring people like me at a loss;)

    Edited once, last by Tango ().

  • I can say with a certain guarantee that this project will NOT be discontinued.

    One flaw that might cause some confusion is that the first post on the index page has just been updated instead of posting a new.

    Read: http://i-mscp.net/?p=216
    As it's written there, the project has been discontinued as a i.s.p-cp fork and will be rewritten.

    Hope that answers some of your questions.

    ** Edit; You don't need to translate into English, I can still read German =).

  • Hello ;

    I'll reopen the timeline if you want. The project continue, don't worry about this issue. The main reason to hide the timeline is to avoid any copy of our ideas before our first release.

    Thank cOurier for your answer.


  • Also wie ich hier raus lesen kann gibt es kein ungefähres release Datum ?

    ICh gammel immernoch mit meinem ispcp 1.0.6 rum :-/

    Da ich zur Zeit alle Systeme Template mäßig am neu machen bin wäre es toll wenn es hier vorwärts geht da ich ein muster template nehmen will :-)