Update from 1.1.x to 1.2.x fails with "Unable to start apache2 service"

  • Hello!

    I updated some minutes ago from 1.1.x to 1.2.x with the NightlyUpgrade script from the wiki.

    The error:

    1. [ERROR]
    2. Servers::httpd::apache_fcgid::start: Unable to start apache2 service
    3. main::setupRestartServices: Unable to restart Httpd (Apache) service
    4. autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occured while performing installation steps
    5. /home/git_i-mscp.sh: 44: cd: can't cd to /var/www/fcgi/domain.de/php5

    When I look into /var/www/fcgi there are folders for all domains that are hosted on my server, except for one. That's the one mentioned in the error message. Why the folder won't be created for this domain? I cannot create the folder manually, because it seems like the installer rewrites the complete folder.

    1.2.x Git
    Debian 7.8 Wheezy 64bit

    Thanks in advance!

  • Please restart the installer manually (without the script) with the parameter -d (debug) and than tell us the error. If you want I can also have a look via teamviewer. Then just send me your id & pwd per pm.

  • Problem found.

    This have something to do with the listener file from @flames Listener::Named::Zonetransfer - Zonetransfer to Secondary Nameserver + Howto.

    I'm using both listener files. The first listener file for zonetransfer works perfectly (Thanks flames! :) ), but the second one which removes the default nameservers and adds custom out-of-zone nameservers seem to cause the apache error. The nameservers I entered were ns1.domain.de and ns2.domain.de and exactly this domain is in the apache error. I removed now this listener file and now it's working. :)

    Thanks for your help! :)

    Edit/small addition:
    The second listener file is working, only Apache can't start. But the zone files are generated with the correct nameservers! :)


    Can you give me a link to that listener? I could look to see what is wrong ;)


  • Re

    I don't see how that listener can interfere with Apache ;) I will give a try tomorrow ( I'm currently busy with that youtrack migration )


  • i also don't see how this can happen. you can contact me via pm, and we will look together over the issue.
    so domain.de in your nameservers (ns1/2.domain.de) is also hosted on the same i-mscp server?
    please show us the log file / error that you told about in apache with the domain. didn't seen in first post :)

    btw. i am running both listeners on 4 of my servers w/o any issue. but my nameservers hostnames are not on a domain of i-mscp.

  • I really don't know why this happen.

    Some more information that could be important:

    The "domain.de" Domain is added as an alias domain to an customer account in i-MSCP and "ns1.domain.de" and "ns2.domain.de" are the nameservers that i'm using for all domains. When I enter these into the listener file and run the setup, apache won't start anymore. When I delete these two nameservers from the listener file and run the setup, everything works.

    Like I said already, i removed the listener file and edited the bind template manually, like all the versions before, so everything works on my server now. But with the listener file it would be a bit easier and the changes won't be deleted when updating i-MSCP.

    I know that my nameserver setup is little bit weird at the moment. I'm working on it to get an extra domain only for "ns1" and "ns2" without creating an i-mscp customer and so on.

  • your nameserver setup is not just weird, it is inconsistent, the listener removes the glue record from the zone, so you do when you edit the template. since you have the domain hosted on the same machine, your nameserver entries miss the glue records and authority. i suppose fcgid or the installer does a dns lookup and fails for this domain.
    you need an extra domain for your nameservers and setup IN A and IN NS records at registrar level.