PluginManager added a new file:
QuotePlugin which allows to set a server default page.
PluginManager added a new file:
QuotePlugin which allows to set a server default page.
Version 1.0.1 has been released in plugin store.
Can you please provide a basic configuration example?
Thank you!
As far as I knows, no config is needed for that plugin. I'm even wondering why the config.php file is here. You must only edit the html document here…ultPage/templates/default and once done, deactivate and reactivate the plugin. The doku which talks about the configuration file is wrong from my point of view.
@Ninos Can you confirm?
Jipp I can confirm. I wanted to add a configuration Option for the default folder. Because of that the config still exists
Version 1.0.2 has been released in plugin store. Special thanks to @Nuxwin for his commit!
Version 1.0.3 has been released in plugin store. Special thanks to @Nuxwin for his commit!
Version 1.0.4 has been released in plugin store. Special thanks to @Nuxwin for his commit!
Version 1.0.5 has been released in plugin store.
i can't install the lastest version on i-mscp 1.2.2. The Installier says: File templates.php has not been found in plugin archive.
Can you fix this?